DIMA (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 115

“You don’t beat old money with bullets, Dima. You do it by disrupting their bank accounts and staining their reputations. In fact, most would rather you secretly kill them with no one knowing why, then bring shame to their family’s legacy.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me more.”

“There’s an under the table deal. Lots of investments that are going to happen in the West. They plan on getting rid of Killer Crow land and putting a highway and prison there.”

“I haven’t heard about this.”

“Because Jonathan will probably announce this after he’s elected. The investors will need the mayor to sign off on it. Which means my father and others will need him to get re-elected.”

“But if I win.”

“Then, they’ll have to come to you with this deal. And it will be a multi-million dollar one. And they’ll have to be at your command. They’ll dance for you if you ask.”

He gazed off as if considering this. “Yes, but. . . the money doesn’t matter to the Syndicate. All I care about is that the West remains with the Killer Crows, and their land is not further disrupted. In the end, Killer Crows decide what is built in the West.”

I warmed. “I hoped you would say that.”

He frowned. “It’s the right thing to do.”

I extended my hand. “Then, let’s beat Parks and make you mayor. Now you’ll have an official title—”

“I already did.”

“Fine, Dima.” I showed him my hand. “Can we shake on the possibility that death does not need to be the answer and that we can work together to make you mayor?”

He stared at me. “And how will you help?”

“I have Walsh Family political resources. People who will pick me over my father. Plus, just my standing next to you will give you political power. I believe that’s the main reason why Jonathan wanted me next to him.”

“And that’s all you’re offering—just to stand by me?”

My nerves frazzled. “What else do you want?”

“Rose. Rose.” He closed the distance between us. “I want all of you.”

“Dima. . .I’m talking about. . .the city. . .and. . .”

“I want you. I love Paradise. I love the Diamond Syndicate, but what does it matter, if you’re not truly by my side?”

“Perhaps. . .we can make some sort of compromise—”

“When it comes to you, I want everything.”





y cock rested heavy and hard in my pants.

Damn women.

Rose was gorgeous tonight.

But, then she was gorgeous every day.

You’re very lucky, Rose.

She had no idea how much I’d had to restrain myself from tearing up Paradise. Each time, I stared at the empty space on my bed or her vacant chair at my table on the balcony, I began going through hypotheticals on killing Parks.

There was a point where I wished the guards did see her with a man, so I could cut his head off in front of her.

Very smart, Rose gave no other man any attention. She remained focused on her work. And I was left with no one to take my anger out on.

During these past days of separation, I had her guards send me pictures of her and constantly give me updates. Those images had barely kept me at bay.

When they reported that she was going to the Secret Garden, rage over took me. Thankfully, I kept calm and realized that she was simply meeting with friends. However, the photo of her in that dress didn’t help the rest of my evening.

It was all I thought about during my mayoral candidate announcement party. My mother and Marcelo loved my wicked idea about running for mayor. Both thought it should be more than my trolling Parks. Therefore, they quickly put together a grand affair at Marcelo’s Shamrock, inviting all news stations to the event.

Everything went well.

And then Rose’s guard called. And I no longer wanted to be there. Mom was pissed that I rushed away. Marcelo wasn’t pleased either.

No regrets.

I studied my naughty, gorgeous Rose.

Her fragrance surrounded me. That tight red dress taunted the darker parts of my soul. Had I been an eviler man I would have ripped her clothes off and fucked her against the wall in the alley.

Even now, I wasn’t sure if I would let her leave without giving her my cock.

Those brown eyes glowed in the moonlight. “Everything?”

My restraint unraveled. “Every. Fucking. Thing.”

“Okay, but. . .”

I had to calm myself. “What?”

“Dima, I need time. I’m. . .I’m just now starting to think that my beliefs may be flawed or at least should be flexible. I’m. . .” She gazed at her hands as if searching for more words. “I’m finally starting to realize that I. . .”

I gritted my teeth. “What?”

“That I may want to be with you.”

The muscle on my jaw twitched. “May is not enough for me.”

She looked at me. “I think I could try us out.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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