Protecting Melissa (Holiday Cove 4) - Page 76

She smiled back and laughed softly. “That he does. I honestly don’t know where that came from. Something about being out here has brought out a whole new side of his personality.”

“It’s fun.”

She nodded. “It is.”

“I’m here for you, Melissa. You’re not alone in any of this. Okay? I know everything with Henry is your fight right now, but that doesn’t mean I can’t help. I want to.”

“Chase,” she whispered. “You do help. Can’t you see that? I don’t know what I’d do without you. I hope you don’t think I just see you as hired muscle or that I’m using you as a babysitter for Jackson.”

I chuckled. “No. Don’t even think that. I know that’s not what’s going on here.”

“Okay.” She paused and licked her lips, more nervous than seductive, but it got my heart racing anyway.

I brought my lips to hers and brushed them across in a soft, sweeping kiss. Melissa melted into me and I gathered her against my chest. I parted her lips with my tongue and was happy to hear her moan softly. It had been too long for both of us.

The kiss deepened and my hands went to her waist to slide under her thin t-shirt. “Come to bed with me,” I whispered against her ear, breathing in the scent of her lilac scented locks.

She nodded and I stood from the couch. I reached back for her hand and she followed me down the hall to my room. Once the door was closed, I wrapped her back in my arms and captured her lips with mine again. This time the kiss was hotter. More possessive.

Melissa backed up to the bed and our lips broke apart long enough to strip each other. I peeled away the t-shirt and she immediately went to the button on my shorts. We were a hurricane of clothes, limbs, and stolen kisses, until we collapsed down against the bed, our skin blending together as we lost ourselves in each other.



“I missed this,” I whispered in the near dark. The sun had set while we made love and only a small night-light provided a soft glow. We laid together in Chase’s bed, still naked, clinging to the last moments together before I would need to sneak across the hall and climb into bed with Jackson. I hated leaving Chase, especially when we finally felt close again, but I knew I needed to force myself to go. My eyelids were getting heavy and if I let myself relax any further, I’d drift off right there in Chase’s arms.

Maybe someday I would know what that felt like.

Chase held me tightly in his arms, my back against his chest. “You know what I missed?” he asked.

I rolled over to face him and traced a finger down Chase’s firm chest, taking a lazy tour around his hard nipple and then down between the solid muscles beneath. “What’s that?”

“I missed this,” Chase growled, grabbing a handful of my ass.

I laughed and smacked him on the arm. “You’re terrible. Always one thing on your mind, huh?”

Chase chuckled and wrapped me back in his arms. “When it comes to you, yes, most of the time.”

I smiled and laid my head back down against his chest. With our bodies pressed together it was impossible not to think about the baby growing inside me, the little life we’d created. I was overwhelmed with the urge to tell him about the baby. We finally felt close again, but with that secret between us there was still a barrier.


“I missed this too,” he said softly. “I like having you close like this. It was beginning to feel like I’d lost you for a while there.”

I shook my head. “No, you didn’t lose me.”

“That’s very good news.” He kissed me slow and a wave of heat rose up from my belly.

“Oh, Chase,” I breathed as his lips trailed from mine down the side of my neck. I arched against him at the feel of his cock stiffening against my thigh. “Mmmm.”

Chase breathed hot and heavy in my ear and I stroked his cock, provoking a growl from him that vibrated across my skin and sent a shiver down my spine. “You’re trouble, you know that?”

I laughed softly and stroked back up the velvet soft skin. “I can’t help it. You make me want to do very bad things.”

“Aha, so it’s my fault?”

“Uh huh.” I trailed my fingers back up his torso, feeling the lines of his abs, the v-lines at his hips, and then up his sculpted sides to obsess over his perfect pecs again. “You’re like candy.”

“Man candy?”

I giggled as I nodded. “Yeah, where do you think that saying came from?”

Chase laughed. “Good to know. Guess that means you should go down and get a taste.”

I bit my lip at his naughty suggestion before pushing up onto all fours. Chase rolled over onto his back and I crawled down his body. His skin brushed against my nipples and I moaned at the surge of pleasure. When I reached his cock, I glanced up at Chase and smiled at the dark look in his eyes. He wanted me.

Tags: K.B. Winters Holiday Cove Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024