Protecting Melissa (Holiday Cove 4) - Page 89

“Hey, man,” I said before pacing back across the kitchen to look out the large window over the sink. I heaved a sigh. “How are things up there? Any news? Has your PI been able to crack into the investigation?”

Matt sighed and my bubble of hope burst. “I wish I had something. It’s the same as what I told you yesterday. I don’t know what’s going on and if anything, the FBI is closing ranks on the investigation. I’m not sure how to interpret that. They could be getting close to solving it or they might be shifting personnel to other cases because this one is being shelved.”

I pressed my eyes closed. I knew if I was back in LA, there was probably nothing I could do either. I didn’t have FBI connections. But for whatever reason, feeling so far removed grated against my nerves, and I wished I could transport myself to the action. I wasn’t used to being so hands-off.

“Is Melissa there?” Matt asked.

“Yeah. Hold on, I’ll put you on speaker. We just got Jackson down.”

“We?” Matt repeated, the smile evident in his voice. “You getting all domestic over there?”

I purposely ignored him and went out to the living room. “Here’s Melissa,” I said, clicking the call to speaker.

“Hello Matt,” Melissa said, sitting forward, her elbows braced on her knees. I sat down beside her and she sighed.

“Hello Melissa. I’m sorry to drop this all on you, but I need to know what you want me to do. Have you figured out whether or not you’re coming back?”

Melissa shook her head. “I need more time.”

“I don’t know if I can give you more time,” Matt replied, his patience obviously wearing thin. I had no doubt that he sympathized with us, but his legal brain was taking over, and emotions were secondary. “What can I do to assure you that you’ll be safe? Melissa, I swear to you that I won’t let anything happen to you or Jackson. If Henry gets within three hundred feet of you or the safe house, he will be arrested.”

“Like that’s gonna stop him?” Melissa said, her tone so exhausted and dry that she might as well have been reciting the weather. “He’ll send someone else after me. One of his goons. Or pay off the judge. You don’t—you don’t know Henry. He’s ruthless.”

“What do you want me to do, Melissa? How do you want me to fight this? I can’t put off going into court. I’ll need to appear on your behalf.”

“Tell them the truth! Tell them that I left because I feared for my life and the safety of my son.”

“But we don’t have any proof, Melissa. It’s he said, she said, and in the eyes of the court, Henry will come out squeaky clean. He’s a well-respected businessman—” Melissa snorted, “—with ties to the community. He’ll come in with his lawyers and tell the judge his sad story about how he’s concerned and just wants to see his son. He’ll bring up the rehab accusations and—”

“Enough!” Melissa said, shooting to her feet. She covered her face and strode to the front window.

“Chase…” Matt prompted, needing me to step in and help plead his case.

“Sorry, Matt but I agree with Melissa on this one. It’s not safe and I won’t put her or…” I stopped short and glanced at Melissa, whose back was still turned. I’d almost let slip the news of her pregnancy “…Jackson in that position.”

Matt continued, his tone tense, “So what’s the plan then? You’ll stay in…well, wherever it is that you guys are…forever?”

“For a little while longer, yes. We’re safe. We have food, shelter, and everything we need to stay here for a while. We have to trust the FBI will turn something up soon.”

“Chase, you can’t know that. What if they never find anything? What if we don’t? Like I said before, my PI can’t get me anything. I don’t know what’s going on. The whole thing is a mess.” He sounded exhausted.

I didn’t bother asking when the last time he had a decent meal—one that didn’t come out of a box—or good night’s sleep was. “I’m still trying to talk to people and work to get someone on the inside but it’s slow going. It could be months before the FBI brings charges. That is assuming they find something.”

“How can they not?” Melissa asked, whipping around. “I wish I knew more about it. I feel like I don’t have anything to help because I didn’t pay enough attention, but Henry was up to all kinds of shenanigans! Can’t you find something?”

“I know I sound like a broken record, but we’re trying. The investigation into Stallion Bay is still open last I heard. But none of that matters right now. What matters is fighting this battle and I’ll do what I can, but—”

Tags: K.B. Winters Holiday Cove Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024