Logan (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 6

“You’re not—”

Tyson did a dick move. He rushed off and sat by Miss Kingmaker, returning to the conversation that I’d interrupted and blocking any way for me to squeeze in without looking crazy. I would’ve laughed at his audacity and the way he rushed over there, if not for being so pissed.

Did he just cock block me with the race card? Whatever.

Tonight was just supposed to be a fun time, nothing more, nothing less. We were in a nightclub, not looking for Miss Right, but Miss Right Now. We didn’t divide our friendship over women. We didn’t fight or chase after them. We had fun.


I walked by and caught some of their conversation.

“Wow. You just finished college.” Tyson shook his head. “Back in the day, Logan and I went to Bran University. Where did you go?”

“Chapman.” She extended her hand. “My name’s Mia by the way.”


I couldn’t help myself. I stopped and shook Mia’s hand too. “My name’s Logan.”

Tyson laughed. “Really, man? Can you let us finish a few words?”

Mia giggled.

“Fine. You fucking owe me,” I grumbled and walked over to the Blonde as she ordered her second margarita.

“My name’s Ashley.” She smiled. “It’s so crazy here! Do you come here all the time? This is my first time. I like Black Cat bar. Have you ever been? I go every night. It’s fucking crazy. Balls to the wall crazy. Have you ever checked out Broadway? Bananas! They do this theme thing where there are midgets...oh no, I mean little people, and they bowl with them.”

Barely able to keep up with her conversation, I scrunched my face up in confusion. “They bowl with little people?”

“Yes.” Ashley clapped her hands. “They use the little people like pins and they roll these balls at them. It’s so hilarious.”

“That sounds fucked up to me.” I grabbed a new shot and finished.

“Oh well. It’s so funny. You should check it out. I like The Day Care too. Have you been? There’re baby bottles with the best rum drinks. I was so drunk once, I passed out in the bathroom. Mia was so pissed...” Ashley continued having a conversation with herself.

I nodded, when expected, glancing at Mia every now and then.

For some reason, I couldn’t stop being pissed. Tyson hadn’t even thought Mia was the hot one. He’d just picked her because she was black. I got it, but still, it didn’t mean that black women should be off limits, and that he had an automatic right to every one of them.

Fuck it, man. It’s no big deal. This is just one night, one moment. I’ll probably never see Mia again, anyway.

The fast pounding music shifted to another hip-hop song.

“Get on the floor!” the DJ yelled.

“Yo, Logan. We’re going to dance.” Tyson gestured toward the DJ and got up from his stool.

Mia followed him, swinging her hips.

“Oh,” Ashley said on my side. “You want to dance?”

I hadn’t even realized I’d jumped out of my seat. “Yeah. Let’s go.”

We followed Tyson and Mia out onto the dance floor, joining them. Tyson laughed at me and shook his head, flaunting his win in my face.

You really owe me.

My partner, poor Ashley did too much, rubbing her hands on her breasts in some sort of snake motion. Plenty of other men enjoyed the show. Truth be told, on another night, I would’ve enjoyed it too, but annoyance had gotten to me. Either way, I pretended to like it, while taking small glances at Mia—who controlled the rhythm in lush twists and sways.

“Move it like you’ll die tomorrow. We get high, and you should follow.” The rapper’s lyrics rode the waves of the beat. “She’ll come too, if she will swallow. Move it like you’ll die tomorrow.”

Mia was beauty. There was no way around it. I had to stop looking at her, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Drinking in her features, my gaze settled on her mouth. She had the kind that could probably give an excellent blowjob.

Fuck. Leave it alone.

All I could do was thank God this night would end, and there would be a new day where someone so beautiful and perfect as Mia danced in front of me again,

and next time that woman wouldn’t be off limits.

It’s no big deal. I won’t even see Mia again. One loss. One forgotten memory.

Damn, how I wished that had been true.


Break-up Time ?


Three months later


lthough I had woken up minutes ago, I continued to pretend to sleep. My boyfriend Tyson lay next to me.

Open those eyes. Go ahead. It’s time to start the day. I have a wedding cake to make.

I had a small baking business called Too Sweet , which paid my bills. I baked anything the heart desired, but my specialty was the tastiest wedding cakes in the state of Florida.

A wedding cake required more than frilly icing and baking, piping and sugary fillings. It was a dessert for a once-in-a-lifetime event. It had to blow their mind and required all my time until it was perfect.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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