Logan (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 11

“Women think they are bi-polar and shit.” My brother Rob blew out cigarette smoke. “They go to the doctor and check to see if they need medication. But over half the time, they just need to get rid of that asshole in their house.”

My gut was right, and my brother too.

Sighing, I walked back to the closet. Tyson and I were done, but I still wanted to read those freaking notebooks.

I’m nosy and I have a right to know. Is it my girl Ashley or some other female with the same name?

Too bad Logan waited outside for me to go to the bookstore. I decided to take the notebooks with me instead of trying to quickly read them while Tyson was outside, talking to Miss Wrong Number.

James Bond had nothing on me. Like a crazy person, I grabbed my largest handbag, stuffed the notebooks in it, picked out some clothes for today, and took it all in the bathroom to shower.

In the shower, I thought about those lines that I’d read in Tyson’s journal.

July 4th

I don’t know when the games stared. I just know I can’t stop. Ashley lets me do anything to her. At this point, I’m wondering if I can break her.

We’d all hung out last July 4th almost two and half months ago. It was only Logan, Ashley, Tyson, and me.

Tyson and I had just begun dating, but weren’t exclusive yet.

Logan and Ashley never really messed around. I’d thought they’d hit if off the night we all met in the bar, but Ashley told me Logan had just dropped her off at her place and said nothing else. I was shocked they didn’t hook up. Apparently, the only time Ashley even talked to Logan was when he came around us.

They never exchanged phone numbers.

Regardless, we lounged on Logan’s yacht that July fourth, enjoying the water. Logan grilled steaks, potatoes, and veggies.

Ashley and I swam. Tyson spent the day gazing at us.

I remembered there was a moment where Logan and Tyson argued about something, but I was so drunk I didn’t know what it was over. Later, I’d grabbed them both by the hands because the fireworks were starting.

By then, it was just Logan, Tyson, and me. Ashley had taken a nap in one of the yacht’s cabins. With three glasses of champagne in our hands, we’d toasted and watched the fireworks blaze and paint the sky.

What else happened that July 4th?

I scanned my mind for more of that night.

Tyson got bored with the fireworks and went to check on Ashley.

Logan and I ended up watching the rest of the show, drunkenly bringing up memories of our craziest July 4th’s and the embarrassing things we’d done.

We were cracking each other up.

I had my first kiss on an Independence Day. He was a neighbor boy with freckles and braces that cut my tongue as I stuffed it in his mouth, doing my best to mimic the women on soap operas.

What happened after that?

Logan topped me with his story. One July Fourth, he went on his first date at fourteen. Thinking he could impress her, he stuffed three thick socks in his underwear to show off a massive bulge. He was supposed to take her to a beach picnic where the fireworks would be shown at sunset. Apparently, some of his sisters were out there too, but promised not to mess it up.

So, with three socks stuffed in front of his groin, he definitely grabbed her attention. He also had the rest of the beach’s attention too, including his sisters who pointed out for everyone to see and laughed as they fell to the sand. His mother ended up stopping the craziness and taking the girls home. He never heard from that girl again.

I remembered that being the last story for the evening.

And then I fell asleep...in Logan’s arms...that’s why I pushed that memory away.

When I woke up, I felt guilty about it. His arms felt too good, too warm.

And when I opened my eyes, he was gazing down at me, and it looked more than friendly.

He had even leaned forward a half an inch as if daring me...tempting me...to come closer.

Mumbling an apology, I quickly left his arms.

Logan and I never talked about that moment.

And thankfully, Tyson never wondered about when I’d returned.

So, what happened?

I let out a long breath.


Wild Thoughts



t took me no time to get ready. I hurried, shut the bathroom door, took a shower, and dressed. When I finished, I expected Tyson to be in the bedroom, searching for those notebooks, but he hadn’t come back inside.

I took out my phone and texted Ashley.

Me: We need to talk.

I waited for a while but didn’t get a response. It had been like that for the past two weeks. She’d just left out of nowhere saying that she had to get away and get her head together. She apologized, but texted that she didn’t want to talk until she came back.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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