Logan (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 38

Oh shit.

I inched closer, unsure of what to do if they ended up fighting.

Both men towered over me, both men’s builds were stacked in muscle, and both looked like they could give a good beating. At this moment, I was mad Rob had left. If Logan and Tyson fought, there would be no way I could break them apart.

And with the way the temperature and anger rose in the room, someone could seriously get hurt.

Tyson leaned his head to the side and cracked his neck. “I’m not going anywhere, until I have a conversation with Mia.”

I tried to get back in front of Logan. “Trust me when I say this. You need to get as much of your stuff as you can and leave.”

I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep Logan from hurting you.

But Tyson was bullheaded and stupid. “I’m not going anywhere until I get an explanation!”

Unable to help myself, I pushed him again, trying to get him out of my kitchen. “You have some nerve even coming in here after you’ve been sleeping with Ashley and—”

Tyson finally turned to me. “I would never sleep with your friend. Why the hell would you even say that? You’re the one fucking people’s friends.”

I snorted. “Oh really, Mr. Fifty Fucking Shades of Stupid? You’re such an artist, writing it all down like a creepy psycho. I’ve read your notebooks!”

His hard expression faltered. “Those were my thoughts—”

“I don’t care if it was contemplations from your soul.” I pointed at him and then gestured to the door. “Get your shit and get out of my house!”

“And do it now, while you have access to your legs.” Logan stepped to my side.

Tyson growled. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“It means that I’m going to try and respect Mia’s place by not messing it up from kicking your ass.” Logan edged closer to Tyson with his big-fisted hands.

Vicious heat radiated from his huge frame. There had never been a time where I’d considered Logan to be a dangerous and scary guy. However, in that moment, I knew I would never push him to anger. He was too fierce and frightening to witness.

“I’ve read your notebook too.” Logan growled. “With all the disrespect, you’re lucky I’m letting you continue to stand.”

I swallowed.

Tyson’s face remained hard and confident, but his hands shook at his sides.

A terrifying smile spread across Logan’s face and made my heart hammer in my chest.

“So, there will be a day when I find you and I won’t have to worry about keeping the place intact.” Logan leaned his face closer to Tyson’s as if daring him to try to hit him.

“Look, man.” Tyson raised his hands and backed up. “Whatever you read was fiction. I was just writing. None of that stuff is true.”

“Get your shit and go.” I pointed again. “And hurry up, Dummy!”

“Dummy? Is that necessary?” Tyson backed away several steps as if worried Logan would sucker punch him.

“The countdown starts now.” I checked my watch.

“What the fuck, Mia?” Tyson glared. “We meant something—”

“Boy, bye!” I shouldn’t have, but I stomped after him. “Save that all for your notebook.”

“I loved you, Mia. I—”

“Whatever! Make sure you pack those bullshit lies along with your sneakers.”

“And hurry up, Dummy.” Logan crossed his big arms in front of his chest.

Tyson raised his hand as if he was about to hit me.

Logan jumped between us. Before Tyson could say another word or do anything else, Logan grabbed him by the arms and slung him to the floor.

Shocked, Tyson crashed into one of the cabinets near the fridge.

Oh shit!

I backed up. Logan was huge and muscular. Tyson too. Both were gym guys full of boiling hot testosterone.

Tyson was back up fast. Still, he stumbled towards Logan with his fists up. “Come on, white boy! I’ve been wanting to straighten you out for a long time!”

“Oh yeah?” Logan got into a fighting stance. “Straighten me out.”

“No!” I rushed to my stove and grabbed the first thing I could—an empty pot I’d planned on melting chocolate on later that night. “Tyson, just get your shit and go.”

His dumb ass sneered. “I knew you was a hoe, Mia.”

Logan leaned his head to the side. “Do you know how to breath out of your mouth?”

Dummy screwed his face in annoyance. “What?”

Suddenly, my kitchen felt even smaller with the two stalking giants.

“Hold on!” I waved my hands. “Don’t—”

Dummy tried to hit Logan.

I tensed with the pot in the air, ready to help where I could.

Logan caught the fist and shoved Tyson backward. He lost his balance, wagging his arms. But that didn’t stop Dummy, he regained some form of coordination and charged for Logan again.

Dummy swung.

Logan stepped right out of his reach. “Get back, Mia!”

“What?” I did as he said. “Focus on you! I’m fine!”

I gripped the pot’s handle hard.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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