Logan (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 40

“Not my best moment.” I gestured to the kitchen. “Let’s get some wine.”

“Sounds good.”

“Then, I’ll pack a little overnight bag.”

Lust coated his words. “Sound even better.”





wenty minutes later, Mia’s brother and his girlfriend sat in the living room, studying while a bloodied Tyson moved and dragged stacks of boxes in and out of the apartment and to his car. The expression on Rob’s face told me that Tyson might not make it to tomorrow unbruised. Rob’s girlfriend kept placing her hand on his arm, anytime Tyson walked through the living room. Rob was just waiting for him to say something stupid or act out of turn.

I was waiting too, pissed that Rob stopped me earlier.

Would it have been so bad to put his ass in the hospital tonight?

I wasn’t sure if breaking his nose would represent true justice.

Mia watched me. “What’s on your mind?”

I glared at Tyson as he stumbled back out of the apartment with more boxes.


“It looks like he isn’t having problems breathing through some of the blood in his nose. I’m wondering if I should punch him again.”

I quirked my brows.

Rob chuckled from the living room. He’d clearly heard me. In that moment, he stopped studying and came into the kitchen. “Sorry, Logan.”

“For what?”

“I never got to thank you for what you did to his face.”

“It was just a little straightening. He surely deserves more.”

“Well, all fighting in my kitchen is done.” Mia waved her hand. “Rob, I need a break. I’m going to Logan’s place tonight.”

Rob eyed me with suspicion. “I have a big bed at my place.”

“A bed that you sleep in.”

“I’ll be on the couch or I can stay here and—”

“Rob, I’m fine.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “So, you’ll be at Logan’s place?”

She sighed. “His building.”

Rob frowned. “Not his apartment?”

“Are you serious?”

I decided to help her out. “She’ll be in the twin’s apartment.”

Rob wasn’t buying it. “Hmmm.”

Tyson walked back in, smearing blood away from his nose with the back of his hand. Instead of walking back to the bedroom, he stepped close to the doorway and looked at us.

We paused from our conversation and glared at him.

“Uh. . .” He wiped more of the blood from his nose. “I need a towel or something for the blood.”

Silence thickened in the kitchen. Rage blazed over Rob’s face. Mia held a similar expression. Surely, my face told him that I didn’t give a fuck if he choked on the blood.

Saying nothing else, Tyson sniffled and left.

Rob turned back to us. “Yeah. Go take a break, Mia. This fool is going to drag this out all night. I can see he’s already pushing for sympathy and shit.”

Mia hugged her brother and handed him keys. “Thanks for staying, Rob. I hate to put you through this.”

“Making men piss themselves is the best part of brothering.”

I nodded at Rob. “You’re a man after my own heart.”

Mia snorted and headed out of the kitchen. She came back and had an overnight bag slung over her shoulder. Anticipation rushed through my blood as I imagined the secret silky things that could be inside.

Tonight, she would be in my bed. How the hell did that happen?

I’d woken up this morning with one plan. The universe threw another one at me. And thank God that this one fell in line with what I wanted my destiny to be. How long had I yearned for some beautiful woman to come into my life, and not change me, but understand me? She would have to share me with my sisters—the ones I promised my mother I would always protect. She would have to get the moments when I closed myself off into my chest and couldn’t deal with certain days—my parents’ birthdays and wedding anniversary.

It won’t be a problem.

Mia understood me. She got along perfectly with my sisters. The twins considered her a best friend. My baby sis thought she was a goddess and looked to her as a role model. And the rest of my sisters lovingly picked at me for having a crush on her—their annoying way of approving.

Mia will be mine. Finally.

Because how could the universe let me get so close to being with her, to just tear us apart?

I knew I wouldn’t break her heart. I’d break myself first, wrestling my own body to the ground.

And she would never want to leave because there would be no reason to go. Our love—our life—our tears and laughter would be everything and more—everything, if we just believed.

But that wasn’t something I needed to focus on now.

This was just the beginning of forever. The first day. First moment. This was just the door opening to her surrender.

But, she hadn’t stepped through that doorway yet. She hadn’t closed the door behind her. She was still nervous and unsure, and rightfully so.

She’d just gotten her feelings messed with.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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