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Sleight of Hand (Blackbridge Security 7)

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Chapter 14


“Just a few more minutes, promise,” Mila, the receptionist behind the desk assures us with a polite smile.

“It’s fine,” I say from my seat in the small waiting area across from her desk. “We’re so sorry we had to reschedule. We appreciate the flexibility.”

Miller Inc., run by attorney Janine Miller, is a very small consulting firm that is growing by leaps and bounds on the west coast. Deacon is a smart man to try and scoop her up while she’s still building her empire.

Gaige is antsy beside me for some reason as if he’s a toddler needing to use the restroom or something.

His normal cool and calm demeanor flew out the window the second I stepped off the elevator.

Mila’s phone rings. “Ms. Miller. Yes.”

Her cheeks turn pink as she listens, her head lowering as she whispers into the phone, and I have to roll my lips between my teeth to keep from smiling.

“She’s ready to see you now,” Mila says as she returns the receiver. She clears her throat, pointing to the closest door behind her.

We stand, walking in that direction, and I knock on the door, waiting for permission to enter before turning the knob even though we’ve been announced.

Janine Miller stands behind her desk, an imposing woman in an impeccable suit, and for the first time today, I’m glad Gaige insisted that we go to the hotel for me to shower and change. He was right, although I’ll never tell him so. Ms.—I look down at her left hand—Mrs. Miller would never have respected me had I shown up the way I had originally planned.

“Mrs. Miller,” I say as I cross the room, not even giving Gaige the chance to shake her hand first.

“Ms. Redmond.”

“Leighton, please,” I tell her as I shake her hand. She doesn’t offer me the same informality, and I find that I like it. She demands respect, and I fully plan to give it to her. “My colleague, Gaige Ward.”


Mrs. Miller shakes his hand, and I smile at the tic in his jaw with her choosing to use his first name before it was offered. I love her already.

“Please, have a seat.”

We both sit, chatting at first about the weather and differences between California and Missouri. Gaige, of course, not missing the opportunity to insert comments about the beach and how we should all be in bathing suits in the sun instead of business attire in an office. It’s sneaky of course, nothing too trashy or sexual, but we’re all educated enough that we catch the flirting. I want to throw up in my mouth. Mrs. Miller raises an eyebrow, looking over at me as if to check and see if she’s hearing me right. My cheeks flame in embarrassment. We’re losing her, and we haven’t even started discussing the possibility of wooing her to work for Blackbridge.

“I don’t know how much Deacon Black shared with you when the meeting was arranged, but—”

“Literally nothing,” Mrs. Miller interrupts. “I only accepted because the company is held in such high esteem.”

Her eyes dart back to Gaige as if she no longer believes what she has heard.

He gives her a quick grin, and if her desk wasn’t made of transparent glass, I’d kick the hell out of him and tell him to read the room. Was he not watching when Mila answered the phone and was talking to her boss?

I give her a smile, darting my eyes in Gaige’s direction, letting her know I’m just as frustrated with him as she is. It seems to calm her a little.

“I’ve been brought on by Mr. Black as an executive recruiter for Blackbridge Security.”

“A third party?”

“That’s correct.”

This seems to help even more to know that I’m not a direct employee of the company, but it doesn’t really bode well for what we’re trying to do.

“And Blackbridge is recruiting for what?”

“They’re looking to build an elite female team. They have so many requests for—”


My mouth snaps closed.

“Blackbridge is—”

“The answer is no,” Mrs. Miller says, now interrupting Gaige. “I’ve built this company from the ground up. I’ve worked my ass off to get what I have, and I won’t work for anyone else ever again.”

“The benefits package alone is—”

“Gaige, I’m not interested.” She gives him a condescending smile, and once again I roll my lips between my teeth.

I hate that we won’t even get a maybe from this woman, but man do I love seeing him get put in his place.

Acquisitions expert my ass. Maybe he only goes after a sure thing.

And that has a little sourness settling in my gut because wasn’t I one of his sure things not long ago?

Mrs. Miller picks up her phone, pressing a few numbers. “Mila, could you bring in a slip to validate their parking please?”

Twenty seconds later, Mila walks in. Mrs. Miller stands from her desk to meet her near the door, but before the woman can get away, Mrs. Miller stops her, bending low to whisper in her ear. Of course Gaige and I both watch, and I laugh when realization washes over his face.

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