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Steal the Wind (Godstone Saga 1)

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Maybe that was why Eno was driven so often to needle and tease Rayne the rare moments they were alone together. No matter the situation, Rayne’s poise and control were always perfect. Eno was desperate to see behind the façade, to taste the passion he’d glimpsed in Rayne’s beautiful jade eyes.

Rayne was a conundrum he’d spent years trying to puzzle out without much success. There was no question that he was a brilliant man, determined and driven to be the best at whatever he set his mind to. It was to the benefit of Erya that he’d elected to be the best advisor to the future king.

But there was so much more to him than his ambition, even if Rayne didn’t necessarily want people to notice it. There was a softness to him that Eno was sure no one else saw. More than once Eno had caught Rayne sneaking bits of food out to the stray cats that liked to lurk in the park grounds of the palace and whispering to them warnings to stay hidden lest they be taken off to the pound.

What other warmth lay hidden away inside of him beneath his cold mask? And was there anyone in his life he could be that person with?

Even as the shadowy image of another man holding Rayne, cuddling him on the couch as they talked about their day waltzed through his brain, Eno crushed it brutally down. He didn’t want someone else holding Rayne. He didn’t want anyone else getting to hear Rayne’s secret thoughts and feelings. He wanted them. He wanted to be that person for Rayne. He wanted to be the person Rayne’s eyes lingered on.

But right now, their jobs were their lives. Trying to create something now seemed too complicated when they needed to focus on protecting Caelan and Erya.

So he had to make do with bringing a flush to Rayne’s face when he was flustered or somehow rendered speechless. Not a feat that had been accomplished often, but Eno had managed it at least twice in their long friendship.

He had to live for the way Rayne’s breath caught in his throat when he was excited…or turned-on. Those glittering green eyes staring at him, hungry and demanding. That beautiful body open and waiting just for him.

Now, unfortunately, was not the time, judging by the fierce expression on Rayne’s face as he strode toward the Godstone room.

Eno took a step backward and leaned on the wall, propping his heel against it as if this were a place he normally hung out when he had nowhere else to be. “I’m assuming that scowl is for me.”

Rayne’s lips parted as if he’d been about to agree and then closed again, pressing them into a hard line. The look of warning was familiar, but it was usually directed at Drayce or even Caelan. “Final preparations are nearly complete. I wanted to discuss with you the protection detail on Caelan.”

“You mean me and Drayce?”

Rayne huffed. Actually huffed at Eno. He almost chuckled. It wouldn’t soften the man’s attitude toward him if he laughed in his face.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Rayne appeared as if he were fighting to maintain his calm. “There is so much wrong with that question, I do not even know where to begin.”

“Let’s start with what’s got your panties in a knot and work from there.”

Another warning glare, but this one at least came with a slight flush to his cheeks, as if it were somehow scandalous that Eno was talking about Rayne’s undergarments. “First, is Drayce even prepared to act as protection for Caelan? I know you and other guards have been working with him, but this is the first time he’s going into the field, correct?”

“Yes and yes,” Eno said with the utmost confidence. “Drayce is still green and rough around the edges, but he’s come a long way. I’ll be there to offer guidance and keep him focused.”

“Then that leaves Caelan with only two people for protection, and one, as you put it, is green. Are you enough to keep Caelan safe? What if we brought on just two more trustworthy guards to help—”

“No, absolutely not. This mission is about stealth. Moving six people through a city is nearly impossible to do quietly. What if there are problems in Sirelis and we need to make a quick exit? How easy is that going to be with six people? Four is already pushing the limits, but four allows us to work in shifts if we need to.”

Rayne looked mutinous. He opened his mouth, clearly to argue, and Eno tapped his index finger on the point of Rayne’s chin. The man flinched, his mouth immediately closing.

“No, and that’s the end of it. Your job is diplomacy and making sure Caelan doesn’t start a war. My job is security. Let me do my job.”

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