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Steal the Wind (Godstone Saga 1)

Page 31

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So stupid. Rayne was never touchable.

For some reason, Rayne always felt more untouchable than Caelan ever could. Probably due to knowing Caelan longer, or the fact that he’d pulled Caelan out of more embarrassing scrapes, thanks to Drayce.

Rayne didn’t need saving. Rayne didn’t need anyone.

The advisor looked as if he might need a little saving from himself, though, as he wasn’t heading to bed yet when he very clearly needed sleep.

“How far do you think it is to the Caspagir border?” Eno inquired. He grabbed his canteen of water and took a drink, then held it out to Rayne.

Rayne stared at the canteen for a full second, as if his brain didn’t recognize it for what it was. “About twenty miles,” he murmured as he accepted it and took a small drink.

“That’s not too bad. Easily done in a day.”

“If we were anywhere else, I’d agree with you, but the forest through the Ordas is proving to be thicker than anything I’ve seen before and quite treacherous.” Rayne returned the canteen back and dropped his hand heavily on his thigh. “It’s going to be a slow trek tomorrow.”

Eno grunted as he screwed the lid in place. He set it aside and stared at the fire. Caelan’s magic made it so they wouldn’t need to keep adding wood to the fire. The flames wouldn’t eat through the logs until the barrier was lowered. They were safe through the night.

The forest around them was quiet. He couldn’t hear anything besides the crackle of the flames and some soft snoring coming from either Drayce or Caelan. But he could feel eyes watching them within the darkness that surrounded them. Creatures were drawn to the flickering light and the presence of something new within the Ordas, but they were at least smart enough to keep their distance from them.

“You shouldn’t be so harsh on Drayce,” Rayne said softly.

Eno’s gaze snapped to Rayne, his eyes wide. “You’re worried about Drayce?”

“I’m worried about all of us on this trip, but yes, Drayce is still new to this life. I think at times he forgets that Caelan is a prince. He sees only his friend.”

“All the more reason to get it knocked into his head now that Caelan isn’t an ordinary guy and he never will be. If it’s not creatures in the Ordas, it’s assassins on the street who are trying to kill him. If Drayce cares about his friend, he needs to be alert at all times.”

Rayne’s frown deepened, and he glared at the fire. It looked as if the advisor had a lot more to say on the topic but strangely, he was biting his tongue.

“Drayce chose to come on this journey with us, and he was warned of the potential danger,” Eno continued. “He needs to be ready. If he’s not, it could cost Caelan his life.”

“I agree. I merely think it’s important to remember that Drayce hasn’t gone on the same training missions and exercises as you and Caelan. His training has been conducted within the safety of the royal city.”

“Training that I personally oversaw along with Tomas Soto. I think you know the guy. Head of the royal guard. Accomplished fighter,” Eno teased because he simply couldn’t help himself.

A beautiful blush painted Rayne’s high cheekbones, but what Eno really loved was the fire in Rayne’s jade-green eyes. Even embarrassed, he was not willing to back down from his point.

“Yes, I know Mr. Soto, and I’m sure you both did an admirable job in a controlled setting. But I think Drayce would greatly benefit in both his skills and readiness if you were to take him under your wing while we are traveling to Sirelis. Show him the things he needs to be aware of and how to best keep Caelan safe. More real-world, practical applications.”

Eno could only stare at Rayne. He wanted him to train Drayce now? While they were in the middle of incredibly dangerous territory?

“I know Drayce drives you insane, but your skill and experience in the field will help Drayce immensely. If you want him to be a skilled protector, he needs to see one in action.”

A slow grin spread across Eno’s lips as he stared at Rayne. He leaned a little closer to the man on his left, his voice dropping. “Would you like it if I took you under my wing as well?”

The flush that had started to dissipate returned, and his eyes went wide. His lips parted into a small O but no sound came out except a sort of choking. Rayne Laurent was adorable when he was flustered. Was it strange that Eno lived for this? That pull to lean in those last few inches and capture that soft, surprised mouth in a long, drugging kiss grew stronger. He wanted to feel all the stiffness leave Rayne’s tense frame and have him melt into his body.

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