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Steal the Wind (Godstone Saga 1)

Page 94

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“Shey, I-I can’t.” Rayne’s brain was scrambling. Of all the things he thought he’d be dealing with when they arrived in Sirelis, this had not even flashed across his brain. He’d never imagined that he’d meant so much to Shey. The man had always kept his emotions so close to his chest.

Years ago, Rayne would have been throwing his arms around the prince’s neck and kissing him while murmuring his agreement into his mouth. He would have given anything to have Shey claim him. He’d adored Shey. Together, they could have shaped Caspagir into greatness.

But time changed all people. The love he felt for Shey had mellowed into something closer to warm admiration and friendship. Rayne had a life that he loved in Erya, a duty that drove his every waking moment.

And for a few years now, there was a man who’d slowly claimed more and more of his soul. He had no idea if a life with Eno was even possible, but he wouldn’t be satisfied if he didn’t at least try.

“I know that you need to help Caelan right now. I completely understand that. I’m willing to wait. When this nonsense with New Rosanthe is over and Caelan is on his throne, I want you here beside me.”

“It’s more than Caelan,” Rayne finally got out. He slid his hand to rest on Shey’s shoulder. “It’s more than my duty to Erya. There’s…there’s someone else.”

Shey stiffened but didn’t pull away. “Someone else? You’ve met someone. Another prince?”

Rayne narrowed his eyes on his former lover. “Don’t be a snob.”

“I’m teasing and you know it. I didn’t realize I had competition for your heart. If that is the case, I think I should double my efforts.”

“I’m not a prize to be won, Shey.”

“Your love and devotion are the greatest prize of all.”

Someone cleared their throat and they jerked as one. Shey remained close to Rayne as if he meant to shield him, but there was no protecting him from Eno’s dark glare. His normally warm chestnut-brown eyes appeared almost black as he pinned Rayne, then moved that cold stare to Shey. Rayne’s heart sank into his stomach, and he immediately dropped his hand from Shey’s shoulder. Oh, this was very bad.

“Excuse me,” Eno bit out. “Caelan needs Rayne. Now.”

“Eno,” Rayne said in a rough voice. “This is Prince Shey Thrudesh-Vo of Caspagir. Your Highness, this is Eno Bevyn, bodyguard of Prince Caelan Talos of Erya.”

Rayne wanted to groan. This was easily the most awkward introduction he’d ever made, particularly when one person was a member of royalty. Shey was still crowded close, positioned somewhere between protecting Rayne and kissing the life out of him, while they faced the man who could make Rayne melt completely.

“Master Bevyn, a pleasure,” Shey greeted tightly without moving.

“Your Highness.” Eno managed to grind those two words between his teeth. He bowed his head, but he never lowered his eyes from Shey’s face. The warning was obvious, and it only made a slow, predatory smile spread across Shey’s lips. “Rayne.”

Rayne barely suppressed a shiver, his cock plumping against his will at the sound of Eno’s voice. The control. He craved it at that moment. Everything about his life was about control and denial, analyzing piles of data to make countless decisions that could mean life and death. But with Eno, for one brief shining moment, he could let it all go and place the control into his strong hands.

“A moment—”

“Shey,” Rayne said softly, interrupting his game.

His former lover looked at him, eyes searching his face and reading what he couldn’t bring himself to say. Shey’s smile softened and he nodded. “Too late to this contest, am I?”

“It’s no contest or game. I’m no prize.”

Shey rubbed his thumb along the edge of Rayne’s chin, and his heart skipped at the longing he could so clearly read in Shey’s eyes. “You are a man worth fighting for.” Releasing Rayne, Shey stepped backward and bowed his head to Eno as if ceding the field of battle. But Shey wouldn’t be Shey if he didn’t toss out one last challenge. “You’re also a man worth waiting for. You know where to find me, Rayne.”

Shey went down the hall the way he came, and Rayne leaned heavily on the wall, releasing a sigh of relief. He wasn’t entirely sure his knees would support him. He closed his eyes to try to gather his thoughts before attempting to come up with some way to explain all this to Eno. He never got a chance.

Eno slammed his mouth over Rayne’s, swallowing Rayne’s cry of shock. Rough, possessive hands grabbed him, holding him while Eno swept his tongue through Rayne’s mouth. He could feel the stamp of ownership, taste the anger but also the worry and fear. Everything between them was so new and fragile. Rayne was sure he wouldn’t handle seeing one of Eno’s past conquests wrapped around him with nearly the same amount of control Eno had displayed.

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