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Steal the Wind (Godstone Saga 1)

Page 115

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It had taken them nearly an hour to reach just the outskirts of the city. At this rate, it would take them another two hours to get to the city center.

They needed to move faster. Gripping the driver’s seat, Caelan pulled himself forward so that he could look between the two front seats. Shey had made a series of phone calls on his way into the city, shouting brisk orders to whoever answered, but now he was sitting silently, gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles were turning white. Rayne was silent beside him, his jaw tense like he was clenching his teeth. Cars were stopped in front of them, clogging their path, while people raced around them on foot.

“The lighthouse is west of here, right?” Caelan demanded.

Shey twisted slightly to peer at him over his shoulder. “On foot?”

Caelan nodded. “It would be faster.”

Shey grunted. “Yes, to the west. Your best option is to go straight from here about three blocks and then turn west. If you can’t find the entrance we used, just go to the lighthouse. The guards are expecting you. They can take you to the Wind Stone.”

“Thanks.” Caelan grabbed the door handle, but paused, looking at Drayce and Rayne. “We’ve got our phones. Keep Eno updated on what’s happening and where you are. As soon as we get Kaes secured, we’ll come to you.”

“Catch you later,” Eno said with a salute before pushing his door open.

“Stay out of trouble!” Drayce teased. Caelan didn’t miss the worry that clouded his eyes.

For a heartbeat, he thought about reaching for the front of Drayce’s shirt, pulling him in close, and stealing the kiss he’d wanted for far too long. Just one taste in case all of this went to shit and he never had another chance. His fingers twitched and started to reach for his best friend.

But what if Drayce didn’t want it? Did he really want Drayce’s last memory of him to be some awkward kiss that ruined their friendship? No, he wanted Drayce to remember him with a cocky grin.

“That’s why I’m sending you with Rayne. Only way to keep you out of trouble!” Caelan shot back with a wide grin he didn’t quite feel.

“Hey!” Drayce shouted as Caelan hopped out of the SUV and shut the door in his face. Better to leave him looking forward to the snarky reply he’d get to deliver when they were reunited.

Shey lowered his window. “I’m going to pull this onto the sidewalk and we’re going to run from here to the palace to get a briefing before heading to the harbor.”

“We’ll catch up to you,” Caelan agreed. He darted off down the street with Eno immediately on his heels.

The crowded city was trying to drain itself of its civilians as quickly as possible. Caelan had to avert his eyes from the mothers and fathers attempting to keep their children together while holding on to the meager belongings they could pile on their backs. Everything within him screamed to help them. Help with the little kids. Help carry their things. Guide them to a police officer or the safest route out into the country.

But he couldn’t stop. If he stopped, he wouldn’t be able to reach the Wind Stone. If the Empire got its hands on both the Life Stone and the Wind Stone, he couldn’t imagine how they would ever be stopped.

As his mind finally let go of the worries of the Sirelis citizens, it skipped over to his own people. The panic inside Stormbreak had to have been a hundred times worse. They’d had zero warning before New Rosanthe’s attack. The meeting had been planned in secret.

The day had likely been peaceful. Sunny and warm, with the promise of nothing strange happening. And then the royal tower had exploded. The queen and her only son had been declared dead. All the promise of protection and safety evaporated in a matter of seconds.

How many had died that day? Were they still dying in the royal city from a lack of food and medication?

“Hey!” Eno barked. He roughly grabbed Caelan’s elbow at the corner. “This way.” Caelan looked to where Eno was pointing only to realize that they’d run the three blocks and now had to turn west toward the harbor and lighthouse.

Fuck, he needed to pay attention. Now was not the time to get lost in a bunch of wayward thoughts. He couldn’t save the people of Caspagir or Erya if he was distracted.

Growling at himself, Caelan turned sharply and wove his way through the crowds. The muscles in his legs were starting to burn and he was drenched in sweat. It had been way too long since he’d gone for a run. If they survived this, he saw a future that included some very horrible training sessions with Eno.

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