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Captivated (Deep in Your Veins 6)

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I pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. “Mine,” I repeated.

She nodded. “Yup.”

I brushed her hair away from her face as I stared into her eyes. “You know I want to Bond with you one day, right?”

“I was hoping that was the case, yes. But it isn’t something either of us is ready for. We need time, and that’s okay. Like I’ve told you before, I’m in no rush. For now, it’s enough to know that you love me. Enough to know that this thing we have is as serious as serious can get.”

“Oh, it’s definitely serious.” I kissed her again, loving that she now belonged solely to me. Loving that I could kiss this mouth whenever I wanted. Loving that I could touch her any time any place anywhere. “I want you to think about moving in with me. Don’t give me a human answer like ‘it’s too soon’ or some shit like that. We’re immortal. When time isn’t running out, it’s not a driving factor. Just think about it. Like you said, what we have is serious. Permanent. I like having you in my space. I like waking up and seeing you right there. I like showering with you every evening before we head off.” I put a finger to her lips when she parted them to speak. “No, don’t give me an answer now. Just think about it.”

She playfully snapped her teeth at my finger. “Okay, I’ll think about it.”

I grunted, satisfied. “From here on out, you don’t feed from anyone but me. Only me. Unless it’s an emergency—then you can drink from others.”

She gave me an imperious look. “How very gracious of you.”

“I think so,” I said, ignoring her sarcasm. “Also, no one but me will be feeding from you.”

“So many demands,” Paige complained, though her eyes danced with humour. She gently poked my shoulder. “I just have one demand of you.”


“No secrets. We always be open and honest with each other, even when it’s hard.”

“No secrets, baby. I promise you.”

She hummed. “Some people seal promises with kisses, you know. Or so I’ve heard.”

I smiled. “Really? I can get behind that.” I took her mouth with mine yet again.


Damien and Lexi

None of Lexi Solomon’s life plans had included living on an island filled with supposedly mythical creatures. Being inexplicably drawn to one of them isn’t so great, considering relationships between humans and vampires have no future, but Damien Addams compels her like nothing else. He also wants her in his bed. More, he wants to claim her as his vessel, meaning no vampire but him will be allowed to feed from her. Tempting. But it would also be reckless … because she’s falling too fast and too hard for a man she can’t keep.



Maisy placed her empty tray beside mine on the long bar and side-eyed me. “So, how’s your ass?”

I shot my friend and fellow waitress a put-out look. “Fine.” Such a lie. It ached like a champ.

“I still can’t believe …” She trailed off as a silent laugh shook her shoulders.

My mouth went tight. Being chased by an anteater was one of those things that only sounded funny until it actually happened to you.

I went on weekly wanders through the rainforest, which were often led by one of the many vampires who resided on the island. Everyone in my group, including the vampire guide, had laughed their tits off when an anteater—probably guarding its young or something—darted onto the path and charged right at me like I’d fucked its mother. It apparently hadn’t chased me for more than a few seconds, but I’d ran away in a blind panic. That run had ended when I slipped and fell flat on my ass.

I sighed at my still laughing friend. “We agreed to never talk about it.”

“I’m sorry,” she pretty much wheezed out. “I just can’t stop seeing it in my head.”

“I don’t appreciate just how much this amuses you. I could have been killed. Anteaters have the biggest claws in the animal kingdom, you know.”

“I just think it’s crazy that you’ll run from an anteater while letting out a girly squeal—”

“There was no squealing.”

“—yet you can stand up to any vamp who tries pressuring you to offer them a vein.” She shook her head, trying to stifle a smile. “I wouldn’t have expected you to be so easily spooked by a wild animal. You’re surrounded by predators every moment.”

Why yes, I was. But it was sometimes easy to forget that. Mostly because so many of the vampires here at The Hollow were very human-like in several ways.

When I’d first arrived on the island five months ago, I’d been freaked the fuck out. I mean, I’d literally just discovered that vampires existed, and then I was whisked away. I’d always figured I’d be buzzed to hear that there were in fact supernatural creatures out there. Particularly since the human race was just a load of shit and would destroy the world for sure if left to its own devices. But it was different when you realised that, hey, you weren’t on the top of the food chain after all.

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