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The BEARly Tamed Grizzly (Bear Clan 3)

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I wanted India.

But with India I had to go slow, take my time. I had to make her see she was the only one for me. I was born to be hers, and she to be mine. And if it took my entire fucking life to prove that to her, to let her come to me when she was ready, then so be it.

I sat up in bed and ran a hand over my face. I was tired but couldn’t sleep. I wanted to go to India. Both my bear and human side demanded it of me, roared out that I needed to take her, claim her. I needed to mark her pretty, slender throat, letting all other males know that she was mine.

Through the slats of the blinds, I could see cars passing by on the highway. The motel I was in was temporary, just a side of the road establishment, somewhere for me to sleep. What I really wanted to do, where I really wanted to be, was with India, warm i

n her bed, her body pressed to mine as I buried my nose in her hair and inhaled deeply.

I closed my eyes and did just that, still smelling her even though she wasn’t here. Tomorrow I’d see her again, and the day after that, and the next, and the next. I wouldn’t walk away, wouldn’t give up. If that meant living in this shitty motel in California for the rest of my life, then so be it.

Because where India went I followed. Simple as that.

* * *


What the hell was I doing? I couldn’t even focus, couldn’t even dress the simple wound because my mind was on Oli. It had only been a couple of days since we’d met for the very first time, since I realized I was mated to a shifter. And although he told me he’d give me all the time I needed, that we were going at my pace, I still felt his presence as if he stood right beside me.

And I also couldn’t deny that I wanted to go to him badly, desperately even. It was as if I were missing something, a different feeling than before he’d come into my life. Whereas I felt that black hole filled, that loneliness leave me with Oli here, not being beside him after knowing he was mine had this weird sensation traveling through me.

It was like I was missing a limb, a part of my body.

I finished wrapping the dressing and smiled as the elderly man thanked me. I shouldn’t be at work today because I couldn’t concentrate. Not only could I not stop thinking about Oli, but my body was perpetually aroused, this heat moving through me so intensely I almost felt nauseous not being able to be with Oli.

“I’m going to take five minutes, okay, Dr. Perrera?”

Leslie, our volunteer physician, glanced up from doing an exam on someone, her smile genuine. “Of course. I’ve got it taken care of. Take all the time you need.”

I stepped out of the van and walked around to the back where my car was parked. It was a slow day today, not very many people needing medical assistance. Logan was in charge of taking the van up and down the coast, so today was relatively easy for me, given the fact I only had this one shift.

That was good either way because my mind just wasn’t focusing, and that wasn’t safe for anyone. I unlocked my car and sat in the driver’s seat, leaving the door open, smelling the ocean air, the breeze warm.

I rested my head back on the seat and closed my eyes. I had one leg out of the car, not sure why I was even sitting out here as it was a little too hot. But being cooped up in the van, not able to concentrate, was driving me crazy. I opened my eyes and looked straight ahead, seeing the ocean in the distance, the beach filled with people. If I were being honest, I didn’t care for the crowds in California. I was a solitary person by nature, maybe because I’d grown up by myself. I’d gotten used to that way of living.

But I didn’t want to be away from Oli.

I didn’t even know him, hell, I don’t even know his last name. But I felt like I did know him. It was like a contradiction. I felt I could just look into his eyes and understand everything about him. It was so strange to feel this way, to know that I was mated to a shifter.

It also felt so right.

The tingling on the back of my neck intensified and I looked to my right, not seeing anyone who would make me feel like this. I glanced to my left and felt my heart start to race, my stomach dropping. There, across the parking lot and sitting in a truck, was Oli. He had his gaze trained right on me, and although maybe I should’ve been frightened, a little weirded out that he was here, maybe stalking me, all I felt was relief.

I found myself climbing out of my car, shutting the door, and walking toward him before I even knew exactly what I was doing. I watched as he straightened in the seat, his jaw working as he clenched his teeth together. I swore I could hear the low growl coming from him. And the closer I got to him, the more things seemed perfect and right. The more I seemed completed.

I found myself standing on the other side of his door, staring at his hands, thinking about what I wanted him to do to me with them. They were curled around the steering wheel despite the vehicle being off. I looked down at them, his strong, long fingers and golden skin, as if he’d worked outside in the sun and it had kissed him, and it turned me on more than I’d ever admit out loud.

But his knuckles were white from the force of his hold, from the way he gripped the leather, the creaking of it seeming overly loud.

I moved my gaze up his forearms, the dark ink continuing to move along his biceps, disappearing underneath the sleeves of his shirt.

My body wasn’t my own anymore. It was like my brain was on autopilot, letting this mating, this foreign experience, take over. I didn’t want to fight it. I wanted to know more about Oli. I wanted to bask in the feelings he conjured in me, the warmth and sensation of having someone in my life just for me.

“Oli.” I said his name softly and instantly heard this low, rugged growl leave him. I stared into his eyes and felt the world open up, swallowing me whole. And I wanted it to. I wanted to fall headfirst into everything that was Oli.

“Tell me,” he said harshly. “Whatever you want is yours.”

My breathing increased the longer I stared into his eyes. There was this pull between us, this invisible thread that had me taking a step forward, needing to be closer to him. It was physically painful not to be with him, and every second that passed the discomfort grew, swallowing me whole like the world was doing.

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