Something Wicked This Way Comes (Green Town 2) - Page 42

The Blimp ascended to his feet.

The Skeleton spun about, tall.

The Wart flea-hopped to the sawdust.

The Dwarf let fall his cards and flirted his now mad, now idiot eyes ahead, around, over.

I know him, thought Will. Oh, God, what they've done to him!

The lightning-rod salesman!

That's who it was. Squeezed tight, smashed small, convulsed by some terrible nature into a clenched fist of humanity ...

The seller of lightning rods.

But now two things happened with beautiful promptitude.

Monsieur Guillotine cleared his throat.

And the blade, above, in the canvas sky, like a homing hawk scythed down. Whisper-whisk-slither-thunder-rush--wham!

The dummy head, chop-cut, fell.

And falling, looked like Will's own head, own face, destroyed.

He wanted, he did not want, to run lift the head, turn it to see if it held his own profile. But how could you ever dare do that? Never, never in a billion years, could one empty that wicker basket.

The second thing happened.

A mechanic, working at the back of an upright glass-fronted coffin booth, released a trip wire. This made a last cog click within the machinery under the sign, MLLE TAROT, THE DUST WITCH. The wax woman's figure within the glass box nodded her head and fixed the boys with her pointing nose as the boys passed, leading the men. Her cold wax hand brushed the Dust of Destiny on a ledge within the coffin. Her eyes did not see; they were sewn shut with laced black-widow web, dark threads. A waxworks fright, good and proper, she was, and the policemen beamed, viewing her, and strolled on, and beamed at Monsieur Guillotine for his act, too, and moving, the police were relaxing now, and seemed not to mind being called late on a jolly venture into a rehearsing world of acrobats and seedy magicians.

"Gentlemen!" Mr. Dark and his mob of illustrations surged forward on the pine platform, a jungle beneath each arm, an Egyptian viper scrolled on each bicep. "Welcome! You're just in time! We're rehearsing all our new acts!" Mr. Dark waved, and strange monsters gaped their fangs from his chest, a Cyclops with a navel for a squinted moron eye twitched on his stomach as he strode.

Lord, thought Will, is he bringing that crowd with him or is the crowd pulling him along by his skin?

From all the creaked platforms, from the muffled sawdust, Will felt the freaks wheel and fix their eyes, enchanted, as were internes and police, by this illustrated throng of humanity that in

one agglomerative move dominated and filled the immediate air and tent sky with silent shoutings for attention.

Now part of the wasp-needle tattooed population spoke. It was Mr. Dark's mouth over and above this calligraphic explosion, this railroad accident of monsters in tumult upon his sweating skin. Mr. Dark chanted forth the organ tones from his chest. His personal electric blue-green populations trembled, even as the real freaks on the sawdust tent floor trembled, even as, hearing in their most secret marrow, Jim and Will trembled and felt more freak than the freaks themselves.

"Gentlemen! Boys! We've just perfected the new act! You'll be the first to see!" cried Mr. Dark.

The first policeman, his hand casually nestled to his pistol holster, squinted up at that vast corral of beasts and beings. "This boy said--"

"Said?!" The Illustrated Man barked a laugh. The freaks leaped in a frolic of shock, then calmed as the carnival owner continued with great ease, patting and soothing his own illustrations, which somehow patted and soothed the freaks. "Said? But what did he see? Boys always scare themselves at side shows, eh? Run like rabbits when the freaks pop out. But tonight, especially tonight!"

The policemen glanced beyond to the Erector-set papier-mache relic constricted in the Electric Chair.

"Who's he?"

"Him?" Will saw fire lick up through Mr. Dark's smoke-clouded eyes, saw him just as quickly snuff it out. "The new act. Mr. Electrico."

"No! Look at the old man! Look!" Will yelled. The police turned to appraise his demon cry.

"Don't you see!" said Will. "He's dead! Only thing holds him up is the straps!"

The internes gazed up at the great flake of winter flung into and held by the black chair.

Tags: Ray Bradbury Green Town Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025