Tempt Me (The Macintyre Brothers 1) - Page 30

For the next fifteen minutes before the two o'clock meeting, I carted the boxes into my office and spent some time reading the manuscripts Sharon gave me.

Then I joined her and went into a board room where several other people were already seated, waiting for us. She introduced me to everyone, and the meeting began. I had pulled the troll off the end of my pencil and opened the notebook so that no one could see the Iron Man cover, and aside from the fact that I had no idea what I was doing, I took notes and tried to look like a professional.

The various staff members spoke about their current list of authors, and what the executive team was looking for in the coming year as far as acquisitions. I had to pinch myself to be sure I was really there, sitting in a meeting, discussing goals and targets. Sure, I was the lowest of the low on the corporate totem pole, but that was where I wanted to be.

Now, if only I could get a cashier's check for the apartment I rented to replace the one that had been stolen, and if only I could get new ID, everything would be perfect.

Except, nothing is ever perfect...

At the end of the day, I texted Josh, wondering if he still wanted to go out for dinner. I hoped so – I had called my landlady several times to no avail and I needed some place to sleep if I couldn't get in touch with her.

ELLA: Hey, Josh. Are we still on?

He texted me right back.

JOSH: Of course, we are. I wouldn’t leave you in your current predicament without making sure you at least get a decent meal. Have you been able to call your landlord and get keys to your place?

ELLA: Not yet.

JOSH: My offer still stands if you want to stay at the apartment tonight. I okayed it with the owner.

ELLA: You are way too nice.

JOSH: Not at all. Just trying to be a human being. Come on up when you're finished for the day. I'll be waiting.

ELLA: I'll be up in fifteen.

JOSH: See you then.

I smiled to myself and finished up my current coverage of the manuscript I'd selected for Sharon to review. Once I was done, I packed up and took the elevator up to the penthouse.

Unlike when I had first seen him dressed in his bicycle courier's uniform, Josh was now dressed in an impeccable slate gray business suit, with a crisp white shirt and black tie. He looked like a million dollars, his longish hair freshly washed and still damp on the ends. Same blue-gray eyes and square-jawed, trimmed-beard manliness.

God. My body did all kinds of traitorous things imagining him as a lover.

"Ella, come in," he said and opened the door wide.

I entered the penthouse, passing close to him as I did, smelling his cologne in the process. Silly girl that I am, even that sent a shock wave through me.

He smelled like... like a real man. His arms were as big as two of mine, yet his hips were narrow and his shoulders wide.

Holy hell; my body warmed just from being so close to him. If I stayed at his place for the night, how hard would it be to resist him?

Did I want to?

"I was afraid you'd change your mind," he said with a smile.

I laughed lightly. "I'm glad I didn't. You sure don't look like a bike courier."

"Oh?" he said, his eyebrows raised. "Is that a good thing or bad?"

"It's just an observation. I've only seen you in your uniform. You polish up real well."

"Thanks. I hate uniforms," he said and opened the door for me. "But sometimes you have to wear one."

He smiled and pointed to the small sofa in a seating area to the left of the desk. "Have a seat. I have to make a call, but I'll be done in a minute. Excuse me."

He left the living room and went into the back of the apartment. I heard him talking, his voice low and too soft to hear from where I sat.

Tags: S.E. Lund The Macintyre Brothers Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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