Tempt Me (The Macintyre Brothers 1) - Page 57

"Hello, Marcella. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I have a few candidates for you to review. Can I drop off their CVs and photos? I also have a couple of videos you might like to watch. We can discuss setting up some meetings, too."

"Already?" I said, surprised she had found candidates so quickly.

"You said you wanted to move fast, so I pulled in all my markers. I think several of the first crop of ladies are quite prime real estate."

"Oh, yes?" I said, imagining a group of haughty debutante types with moneyed families and dreams of marrying a richer man than they were. "Come on up. I don't have much time but I can squeeze you in right after my nine-thirty meeting. Say, ten o'clock?"

"I'll be there."

I ended the call and leaned back, not really wanting to face the whole ‘finding a wife’ project just yet, but I had agreed that Marcella should do her magic and so I had to follow through.

What I really wanted was to go out with Ella and finish what we started. I didn't get the chance to really lick her tattoo the way I had wanted as soon as I learned of its existence. It had driven me crazy since she told me about it and I saw her breasts so up close and personal without being able to really enjoy t


Before Marcella arrived, I had a meeting with one of the guys in finance about the cost of renovations, and luckily, we were done early. I decided to pop down to Ella's office and see if she'd give in and meet me for lunch. The receptionist was gone from her desk, so I went to Ella's office and popped my head inside. The room was empty, and so I thought I'd leave her a sticky note, asking her to give me another chance and meet for lunch.

I went to her desk and searched around for a pencil and sticky notes, but couldn't find anything. Then I remembered our lack of supplies because of the renovations and new offices. Of course, she probably was using her notebook. The Iron Man notebook that I wanted for myself.

I smiled and opened a drawer but found nothing I could use to write a note. There was one file folder on her desk -- a red file folder -- so I opened it up to see if there was any spare paper, but it was some hand-written notes torn out of a spiral notebook -- most likely the Iron Man notebook she was forced to use.

Only, they weren't coverage notes, but were instead pages of a short erotic story.

Holy hell...

A very hot short erotic story...

I picked up the file and paged through it, and immediately, I realized that the story was written about me. Billionaire (wrong -- not quite) newspaper mogul, tall, built, light brown hair and blue-gray eyes, well-trimmed beard. She meets him at the Ritz-Carlton for hot sex. No words are spoken. Just fucking and lots of orgasms. Then, they kiss and go their separate ways. No strings.

While I was getting hot under the collar reading the story, I heard the receptionist, return to the office, her laugher audible from the hallway. I closed the file and tucked it under my arm, then made my way out of Ella's office. I had to read the entire story.

I had to.

"Hello, Mr. Macintyre," she said when she saw me. "How are you today?"

"I'm very well, thank you," I said. "Just looking for Ella Carlson."

"She's in a meeting with Sharon, but she should be done by eleven if you want me to have her call you."

"Thanks, that's okay. I'll call her."

I smiled and left the office, the very hot erotic short story tucked under my arm possessively.

Needless to say, I spent some time in my private washroom, taking care of business before my next meeting...

Later, Kevin dropped into my office, while I was busy re-reading Ella's story.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked, and sat at the chair across from my desk. "I haven't heard from you all day."

"I'm busy," I said and closed the file.

"Too busy for your best friend?" he asked, grinning because he knew he could always pop into my office and as long as I wasn't on the phone or in a meeting, I'd make time for him.

"Never too busy for you," I said and pushed the file off to the side of my desk. The last thing I'd want was for him to read Ella's story. No way. That was for me to savor.

"What you got there?" he said, pointing to the file. "A new hire? New business proposal?"

Tags: S.E. Lund The Macintyre Brothers Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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