Mr. Big Daddy (Mr. Big 3) - Page 16

He stood back up and buttoned his cuffs. "How do I look? Like an old man?"

"Terribly old. I think I saw a single strand of grey in your hair the other day."

"Good," he said and went to the chest of drawers to get some socks. "If I have some grey, I'll be taken more seriously by others in the space industry. It'll give me gravitas."

"Gravitas," I said, shaking my head. "It sounds like a disease..."

He laughed at that and pulled on some slacks he'd removed from a hanger in the closet.

"In the world of banking and high finance, gravitas is the exact kind of disease you want."

“I thought being young and innovative was important. You know, like Elon.”

“Yes, but I’m a money man. John is the techy guy. He has to look nerdy. I have to look respectable.”

He slipped a belt through the loops in his slacks and fastened it.

I loved watching Luke dress. He was so good looking, had such a masculine physique. He had it all, really. The boyish good looks, the blue eyes, the hair that was cut in just the right way, the right amount of scruff on his face...

I was so damn lucky.

I had to get over this morning sickness so we could be a couple again. I knew he must be secretly masturbating in the shower during my sickness, but I promised myself that tonight, after everyone left, before we fell asleep, I would take matters into my own hands, so to speak, and pleasure him. I had no interest in an orgasm myself, but Luke was a healthy all-American man. He needed it to stay healthy and happy.

I wanted to be the one to make him healthy and happy.

"I love you," I said while he finished dressing.

He came right over and lay on top of me, his body slightly off to the side, his arms on either side of my head.

"I love you, Mrs. Marshall. More than you could ever know."

We kissed and I only let him kiss me lightly, because I had a mouth that had to taste like crackers and honey peppermint tea.

"Hey, don't hold back on me," he said and pressed his mouth against mine again.

"No, don't," I said and held a hand up between us. "No French kissing! I just ate crackers..."

"Mmm, crackers..."

He tickled me and I had to laugh out loud and then, thankfully, he rolled off me and lay on his side, watching me.

"You must be feel

ing better," he said, stroking my hair. "Usually, you wouldn't be able to tolerate me lying near you or tickling you."

"I feel pretty good, all things considered. It's because I just ate and had some tea with honey. I'll be good for about an hour and then I'll crash again. You watch."

"I'll go down and tidy up before people get here," he said and sat up, running a hand through his hair. "There are newspapers everywhere and dirty dishes that I haven't cleaned yet."

"I feel so bad that you have to do everything," I said and tried to sit up. "We should have hired some cleaners to come out and get the house ready."

"Shh," Luke said and came back over to the bed. He sat beside me and stroked my hair. "Don't mention it. We're family. This isn't some formal affair. If my friends and family can't accept a bit of dust and clutter, who can? I know my father doesn't mind. He never notices things like that as long as he has a glass of scotch and can sit on the porch with his cigar. Mr. Thorpe as well. The two of them will have a nice time together. You'll see."

"I hope so," I said and tried to smile. "I'll have a shower later and come down when I feel up to it. The caterers should be here at six to set everything up."

"You rest," he said and leaned over to kiss me once more. "If you need anything, just text me."

"I will," I said and snuggled back down under the covers.

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024