Mr. Big Daddy (Mr. Big 3) - Page 23

"You guys, I totally appreciate the support, but I would prefer it if you would lay low and not be seen with me until after they find Blaine and put him back in jail. I'd be happier if you did because then you won't be on his revenge radar. Luke can afford private security for us. None of you can do the same so, maybe after today, you guys should avoid me at all costs. No visits. Not even any Facebook or Instagram likes or posts or comments, okay?"

"Lexa!" Jan said, frowning. "I don't like that at all. He's destroying your life. You can't let him succeed!"

"No," I said firmly, hating that I had to do so, but determined to protect my best friends. "This is the way it has to be, okay? After today, you guys go back to Manhattan and that's it. No contact until he's back in jail."

"Aww," Mara said. "What about updates on your pregnancy and how it's going? We need the juicy, girl..."

"I'll send you private messages and we can always Skype, but no public comments and no visits."

They all looked glum, but I realized it was for the best.

That bastard...

Chapter Ten


I escorted the Three Musketeers to the edge of the property after a tearful goodbye with Alexa. They all agreed to only contact Alexa in private, to avoid attracting Blaine's attention -- just in cas

e he wanted to hurt one of them in revenge.

"I'm sorry you guys have to leave early," I said after helping to load their overnight bags into the back of the car. "I know Alexa wanted you to stay for supper, but I guess she's really nervous now and thinks you should start avoiding her now."

"I hate this," Candace said. "Blaine can't possibly think I'd stop being Alexa's friend. I think I should keep in contact. Mara and Jan can lay low. I'm not giving up my bestie. You can tell Alexa later, when she's more willing to hear it, okay?"

"Okay," I said and closed the door after she got in the car. "I think you're right, but Alexa may argue..."

"May? You mean will argue, right?" Candace said with a laugh.


I waved at them as they left for Manhattan, sad that Blaine had so much power over our lives that Alexa had to distance herself from three of her best friends -- at least in public.

I knew that in private they would all still support each other. I hoped the police found Blaine before our baby arrived, or else it would be a very sad outcome on an otherwise blissful day. A new mother should be surrounded by family and friends, who can help her get through the challenges.

On Alexa's part, she stayed in bed until after supper. My father, John and Felicia kept me company, and I was glad that my father was so strongly on board with me and Alexa and the pregnancy. It was a relief after my mother's betrayal.

Alexa finally joined us on the patio once we had all finished our meals and were outside to enjoy the clear autumn night, the stars really bright.

She had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and stood behind my lawn chair, one hand on my shoulder.

"Have you eaten?" I asked, sitting up, surprised that she had come down without asking for help.

"Yes," she said. "I snuck a bite of steak and some potato but that was about all I could stomach. Maybe later."

I stood and opened a lawn chair for her, and she sat down beside me.

"How are you, dear?" my father asked, blowing his cigar smoke the other way. He held up his cigar. "Do you want me to put this out?"

"No, please, don't," Alexa said with a smile. "It reminds me of my grandpa, who used to smoke a cigar on special occasions."

"Well, if it bothers you, let me know and I'll put it out right away. Don't want to be that guest."

"You could never be that guest," she replied.

For the next hour, we spoke of the weather, the stars and the coming holiday. I'd asked John and Felicia and my father not to talk about the video and issue of Blaine unless Alexa wanted to. So, we talked about everything under the sun except the one thing that was the most important and top of our minds.

My father checked his watch and sat up finally, close to nine o'clock. "I better get back into town," he said and stood up with difficulty. "I have some work to do first thing in the morning."

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024