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Mr. Big Daddy (Mr. Big 3)

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I went over to where Eric lay on his back, his nose bloody. He must have hit his head on the steering wheel when the van rolled.

"Eric, what the fuck were you thinking?"

I knelt down beside him while Michael called 9-1-1 and reported the accident. Eric groaned and held a hand up to his nose, which was probably broken. He didn't meet my eyes, but I could smell the alcohol from where I knelt.

He stunk of it.

A few cars stopped and good Samaritans came down the embankment to check us out and offer help. One woman was a nurse and she looked Eric over while we waited for the police and ambulance to arrive. I watched as she checked him over, looking in his eyes and speaking with him, asking whether he knew what day it was, and where he was.

"It's fucking Thursday, all right?" Eric said. "We're in the fucking ditch. That's my fucking ass of an ex-brother-in-law who ruined my fucking life."

Eric finally met my gaze and I shook my head in disgust.

"You ran us off the road, Eric. I could have you charged for attempted murder."

"Go fucking ahead," he said and held a tissue against his nose. "Might as well go to jail, seeing as my life is over."

"You did this to yourself. You had a beautiful wife and child and it wasn't enough for you. You had to fuck around on her."

We heard the wail of an approaching siren and that cut off whatever curse-laden response he was going to throw at me.

I spent the next fifteen minutes talking to the police officer who arrived at the scene and took my statement.

"What's going to happen to him?" I asked as the ambulance attendants lifted Eric onto the gurney and loaded the gurney into the truck.

"We're likely going to charge him with impaired driving as well as other related charges. Your limo driver claims Mr. Williamson deliberately ran you off the road."

"He did," I said, taking in a deep breath and remembering that moment when the van pushed us off the road. "It was definitely deliberate. He's holding a grudge against me because I found him cheating on his pregnant wife, my sister, with an escort. We also got into a fight on the street outside his hotel when I found him cheating again after she had the baby. We both spent the night in jail, but were released after charges were dropped. I should have known he'd try to retaliate in some way, but I honestly thought he was more mature than this."

"You might be surprised at how something like that can bring out the worst in a person. Domestic violence is one of the biggest threats to our safety."

I nodded and watched the ambulance drive off.

"Am I free to go?"

The police officer nodded. "One of the detectives will be in contact with you to see if you want to press charges. You might want to talk to an attorney about it before you make a decision."

"I will," I said and shook the officer's hand. The other officer had been speaking with Michael about the accident, so I went back to the limo and got inside. I thought I should send a text to Alexa to let her know why I was delayed. When I took out my cell, I noticed that she'd texted me a couple of times already.

ALEXA: Hey, Mr. Big. When are you due home?

ALEXA: Hey, Luke. Are you held up for some reason? I thought you were playing racquetball with John...

I texted her back right away.

LUKE: Sorry, but I just spent the last half hour speaking with a police officer. Eric ran the limo off the road on Dune Road. He's been taken away in an ambulance and we're just finishing up here. I'm fine and will be home in about ten minutes.

ALEXA: Oh, God! You're okay? Is your driver okay? Is Eric okay? I mean, I dislike the man, but still…

LUKE: Michael and I are fine. As for Eric, he's a bit banged up. Broken nose. Some bruises and cuts, but he's not seriously injured. Other than his ego...

ALEXA: That's so scary. You could have been hurt or killed.

LUKE: Yes, he's drunk and probably decided to get revenge for me telling Dana about him cheating on her.

ALEXA: At least you're all okay. Come home as soon as you can.

LUKE: On our way in five.

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