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Mr. Big Daddy (Mr. Big 3)

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Chapter Twenty-Five


I woke up the day after Eric's attempt to force the limo off the road, and hurt Luke, and lay there watching Luke sleep, thankful that nothing happened to him and that Michael was also unhurt.

It surprised me that Eric could be so vindictive towards Luke. Eric was guilty as hell for cheating on Dana and should have realized he would eventually pay the price for it when she found out. Had he really thought he could get away with it forever?

He was crazy if so, but from what Dana told me, she realized that he had been cheating on her from almost the start, unable to keep it in his pants -- especially when she was pregnant.

Of course, that made me think about Luke going weeks without us making love or me being interested in him sexually, but I never doubted his loyalty and fidelity. He just made do with help from what he called Monsieur ma main as the French would say, or his hand. I was glad that since my morning sickness lifted, we were back to being our regular selves and made love with a frequency that kept us both happy. It was getting more difficult as my belly grew larger, but we found a way to have sex that accommodated my growing abdomen.

When Luke woke, he rolled over and smiled when he saw that I was awake and watching him.

"Spying on me while I was asleep?"

"Absolutely. Just thankful that nothing happened last night."

He moved closer and put his arm around me. "I'm fine. It's Eric who's banged up. He'll be regretting his stupidity when he sobers up and the pain starts breaking through the alcoholic haze."

"Do you think he planned to kill you?"

Luke exhaled. "I don't think so. I think he maybe wanted to confront me and ran us off the road at the last minute when he realized I was in the limo. It was probably a spur of the moment thing."

"I hope so," I said. "How terrible for little Baby James to know his father tried to kill his uncle. How is that going to affect him all his life?"

"I know," Luke said and rolled onto his back, rubbing his forehead. "I don't think I want to press charges as a result. He'll get charged with driving under the influence and maybe dangerous driving, but I don't want an attempted murder charge to go on his record. For James's sake."

I nodded and stroked Luke's shoulder. "Maybe he did just get drunk and lose his senses."

"I hope so."

We snuggled for a while and then got up, sharing a shower and then an orgasm afterwards to start our day off right.

Later, when we stood at the kitchen island and drank our coffee when breakfast was finished, I asked him what his plans were for the day.

"I was going to go into town and meet with John to talk about next steps and with Pete about what happened with Eric. What about you?"

"More of the same. Research, writing, and more research. Eating, lounging around with my feet up to fight swelling. That sort of thing."

"Sounds like the perfect day for a pregnant lady," Luke said. "Is there anything you want me to pick up on my way back?"

"Some of those ice cream bars with caramel in the inside and nuts on the outside?"

He laughed, because I'd developed a love affair with these rich creamy ice cream bars and couldn't get enough of them.

"Whatever M’Lady desires..." Luke said, bowing low, with a fake flourish of his non-existent hat.

He gave me a hug and kiss, then he knelt down and kissed my belly.

"Now, listen here, Leif. This is your Daddy speaking. You be good to Mommy while I'm gone. No kicking her in the kidneys, okay? No jumping on her belly. I know it's getting pretty crowded in there, but you have to be nice to her or there'll be payback when it's time for you to come out."

He glanced up at me and smiled. "Do you think I'll make a good father?" he asked.

"The best," I replied and ran my hand through his hair. "Mr. Big Daddy. I never thought the day I saw you that first time in the mall that you'd be my husband and the father of my child, but here we are."

"Here we are indeed," he said and kissed my belly once more. Then he stood up and kissed me on the lips again and left me standing in the kitchen, cup of decaf coffee in hand, to plan my own day.

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