Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1) - Page 16

We were twins, Dana and I. We were sympatico on most things, and our dispositions very similar. One thing we agreed on was that our adoptive mother, Dragon Lady as we called her, was far too much of a busybody for either of our tastes. And of course, our adoptive father was a first-class letch…

My adoptive mother was insistent I hook my wagon to Felicia Blake, the daughter of the billionaire financier who was one of my real father's best friends from his Harvard days. I had no plans to do so, despite my adoptive mother's best efforts. Felicia was nice, but just not my type. We dated for a while but it didn't work out.

"Tell us who the lucky girl is," Eric said, wagging his eyebrows at me. "You haven't brought anyone to family events since you and Felicia split. Everyone's starting to gossip about you giving up and going to the other team."

"Eric," Dana said, poking him angrily.

"Well, it's true. When you fall off a horse, you're supposed to get right back up on the saddle or you'll never ride again. Isn't that true?"

He was referring to my failed engagement.

I had, at one time, believed in love, but that was last year. I was no longer into the whole marriage scene or the whole engagement scene, despite my adoptive mother's best intentions.

"I'll get back into the saddle again on my own schedule," I said, through gritted teeth, trying to control my anger.

"You will and you'll be snapped up in no time," Dana said and smiled at me affectionately. "After all, you're a single man with a soon-to-be personal fortune," she said, taking a sip from her soda.

"And not in need of a wife," I replied, knowing the Pride and Prejudice opening line very well, having been through an English lit class with Dana, who was wild about Jane Austen. "At least, not this single man with a soon-to-be personal fortune."

"How is the deal going, anyway?" Eric asked. "Have you closed it yet?"

I shook my head. "Still in negotiations," I replied and checked my watch once more.

My real mother would be proud about my success with Chatter and it wasn't the first time that day I'd thought about her. It was her family's money — my inheritance — along with my own savings, that helped get Chatter its start. I wished she was alive to see the deal finally signed.

"Let's hope it goes through," he replied and swirled his drink. "Then, you'll be your own man."

"I've always been my own man, Eric," I said with a wry smile, although I would have preferred to punch him in the grin. "Now, I'll have my own money."

"When are you guys leaving?" Dana asked, rubbing her belly.

"Soon as the ink's dry and the build is done."

“It sounds wonderful. Maybe someday, I can do that. But not for a few years," Dana said and smiled.

"Not for a few years," I replied. "You're going to be busy parents for the next few years, I expect. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find my date."

"You go ahead," Dana said and leaned in. "Bring your date over and introduce us."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I plan on it," I said with a smile.

Then, I left the two of them at the bar and went upstairs to the terrace where I would meet Lexi and get her to sign the NDA my lawyer had drawn up. The last thing I wanted was for an escort to start blabbing around town that I, L

ucas Marshall, son of the Marshall Family, and soon-to-be former CEO of a billion-dollar tech startup, used an escort service.

I couldn't wait for Lexi to show up so I could rub Eric's smug self-satisfied and cheating face in it.

Chapter 5


* * *

The taxi took me to Cipriani’s on Wall Street – the famous Club 55. Not that I knew what Club 55 was until I googled it earlier in the day. It was way out of my league.

Mr. Big Shot 69 was way out of my league.

I'd spent most of my life traveling with my dad to bases around the USA, living in base housing, and communing with the other military kids. We were firmly lower middle class. Before he retired and took a job teaching flying at a local flight school near Portland, my father drove an old Ford Country Squire station wagon and we pulled a trailer behind us when we went on vacation. He drank beer, liked to barbecue steaks over coals and wore a Timex.

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024