Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1) - Page 31

"Who is it?"

"The woman who wants to be my future mother-in-law and her daughter."

Chapter 8


* * *

I stopped in the entry way because there was no way I could escape Mrs. Blake and Felicia.

It was ridiculous that I couldn't avoid her, given I was a full-fledged adult with my own business startup that was going to make me and my partner a cool billion each if the deal went through.

I had to be nice — as nice as possible without being rude — because everyone and everything in Manhattan was tied in some way to the Blakes. They practically ran Wall Street through their influence. They had tentacles into banking and investment. Harrison was one of the execs of the investment firm that wanted to buy Chatter.

It would be hard, but I'd have to finesse my way with Mrs. B if I didn’t want to risk the deal.

When Felicia saw me with someone, her face fell. It wasn't that Felicia was unattractive or unpleasant. She'd be a good catch for someone who wanted to get married but I was no longer the marrying type and she was just not my type anyway. I knew men who would be very pleased to be matched up with her. But she was everything that Alexa was not. Her dress was ostentatious. Something that looked like it belonged on a bridesmaid instead of at a family function. She was lean while Alexa was petite and curvaceous. She was quiet and shy, while Alexa was smart and witty, even sarcastic.

Felicia was sweet but she wasn't for me.

I couldn't resist sarcastic for some reason, perhaps because it felt truthful and I was through with nice if deceitful.

As for Mrs. Blake, she wore a suit, looking every inch the matron of the family. She and my mother were tight, and probably planned on marrying me to Felicia after things fell through with Jenna. I told my mother to stop with the matchmaking, but Felicia seemed passive in the face of our parental machinations.

"Lucas," Mrs. Blake called out when she saw us. "There you are. Felicia and I are sorry we're so late."

She scowled when she saw me pull Alexa closer and plant a quick kiss on her lips. Luckily, Alexa was just fast enough that she got my intent and smiled at me when I pulled away, wiping lipstick off my lips like we were an old familiar couple.

"You're a tease," she whispered, winking at me very surreptitiously.

"Thanks for playing along," I whispered back.

Mrs. Blake reached us, and gave Alexa the once over.

"Who's this?" she asked, her hands on her hips.

"Mrs. Blake, may I introduce my girlfriend Alexa Dixon."

"What?" Mrs. Blake gave Alexa the twice-over, her face shocked. "We never heard that you had a girlfriend, and especially so soon after, well," she said and her eyes widened. "After. When did you get a girlfriend?"

"She's a friend from Columbia. We've been seeing each other for a while."

She made a sour face. "Your mother never said anything…"

"Mother didn't know," I said. "But I was able to introduce Alexa to her a few moments ago." I turned to Felicia. "Nice to see you again, Felicia."

"Nice to see you as well, Luke."

Felicia looked shy and awkward, as usual.

I turned back to Mrs. Blake. "Sorry to run, but we've got other plans."

"Going so soon?" Mrs. Blake said, glancing at John like she was already thinking he might be a good second-choice for Felicia. "We haven't even had a chance to tal

k to you. This must be John."

"Yes," I said and turned to him. "This is John, my partner and CTO at Chatter."

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024