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Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1)

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"I'm a big girl," she said and waved me off, not meeting my eyes. "I've been taking the trains for the past couple of years. You stay." She glanced around. "There are lots of girls around who would probably love a one-night stand with you. I have a life to live."

Then, she walked away on those heels and out of my life.

As I watched her leave, still appreciating the sway of her nicely rounded ass, and the way her long pale hair fell to her waist, I wished she had stayed. I wanted to be taking her home with me.

She was right – I could probably find someone and take them home tonight. There were a lot of attractive young women at the club, and I'd seen a few turn my way.

But I felt a deep sadness that I couldn't quite place.

No matter. I glanced over at the bar where John was still talking to his sweet thing and buttoned my jacket. When I went over to stand beside him, ordering another beer, he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey, there, Luke, meet Lena," John said, raising his eyebrows.

"Lena," I said and smiled. Then I turned to John. "Are you going to stay? I think I'll head home."

"Don’t go," John said and grabbed my arm. "Lena here has a best friend who's in the washroom right now. Stick around. You'll love her."

A young woman walked towards us and when she saw me, her eyes lit up.

"Hi, there," she said when she got to us. She came to my side and gave me the once over.

"Luke, meet Cherise," John said and gestured to the woman, who was attractive enough, with brown hair and eyes and a decent figure. On any other night, I might have found her attractive enough to consider hooking up. But I felt tired because of the whole business with Eric and Alexa and Felicia and forced a smile.

John pointed to me. "Cherise, this is Luke Marshall."

"The Lucas Marshall needs no introduction," Cherise said, smiling at me. "I've been reading about you and your deal to sell Chatter in the Journal."

"Nice to meet you," I said. "Sorry but I have to leave." I turned to John. "Catch you later."

"You're going?" John said and made a face. Cherise made a face as well. I guess the three of them had already put me with Cherise for the evening after Alexa left.

I was so damn sick of other people trying to arrange my love life.

"Yeah, I'm not really up to partying. We'll catch up tomorrow. Call me."

Then I left.

My evening had been a total flop.

Alexa was not Lexxi911 and so I'd been unable to teach Eric a lesson, although I think John and I laid down a big enough clue for him that we knew of his cheating ways. Hopefully, he'd wise up and be loyal to my sister, at least long enough for her to get used to the new parent thing before she sued his sorry ass for divorce.

Alexa was beautiful and smart and I wanted to fuck her brains out, but apparently, she didn’t feel the same. In fact, she thought I was a heartless jerk for not wanting a real relationship.

The night had not gone at all like I planned...

Chapter 9


* * *

I left the club and walked down the street to the subway, regretting that I'd even bothered to go out with Luke. What a stupid move – who does that? Who goes out with a perfect stranger they met through an email that wasn't intended for them?

Who pretends to be an escort?

I really had to stop listening to Candace. She always got me in trouble.

Not that I was in any kind of trouble. I'd had fun enough with Luke and John, after getting over the whole business about my identity. It was kind of exciting. But it was a flop, in the end. Luke thought he could use me to teach his brother-in-law a lesson, but I wasn't who he thought I was. We had fun for a while, dancing and talking, but I realized after talking to Dana in the washroom that Luke was still hurting over his failed engagement. He was on the rebound and those men were to be avoided at all costs. He had decided he wasn't the kind of guy who had relationships, or even considered marriage and family in the future.

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