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Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1)

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I frowned and watched him dig into his home fries. "What do you mean?"

"I saw you with her. You like her."

"She's nice," I said and thought about Alexa. "She's beautiful and smart. But she wants a real relationship."

"Like every other woman in existence, Luke," John said, narrowing his eyes at me. "Get used to it."

I sat up straighter. "I happen to know several women who are only interested in a good time."

"Yeah, sure…That’s what they tell you, but deep down? They want you to put a ring on it. Don't kid yourself."

"No, really," I said and thought about the three women I'd been seeing on and off for the past couple of months. "None of the women I’ve been hooking up with want anything more than a good hard fuck now and then. They're too busy trying to slay dragons in the business world to get tangled up in a marriage."

"That'll change once they hit thirty and they hear that tick tick tick,” John said. "Then, you'll have a harder and harder time finding women your age who don’t want a commitment."

"I made a commitment last year – to never get serious about anyone. I am very faithful to my commitment."

"But you liked Alexa," John said. "I could tell."

"I like a lot of women," I said and sipped my coffee. "I like women. I just don't plan on getting married. Ever."

"Tell me another one. You were all ready to get married last year to she who must not be named."

I failed to hold back a grimace. "That was clearly a mistake. No, I'm dead serious. I plan on dying a crusty old bachelor living alone in my lonely old mansion by the ocean, cared for by a bevy of beautiful young nurses. Now that I've tried it, I like being independent."

"Independence is good," John said. "But the love of a good woman is better."

"To independence." I held up my cup of coffee, unwilling to give in to him.

John made a face. "To love," John said and held up his.

"To having a fucking good time with beautiful women."

"Now, that I can toast to as long as there's love at the end of it."

"You are a total romantic. You must have never had your heart broken."

We clinked coffee mugs and went on with our meal.

While we ate, my thoughts returned to Alexa, and how pretty and smart and funny she was. What a good sport she was to go along with everything that night. She was someone I would like to see again, and see naked, but that was the extent of it.

“Really, though. What made her change her mind?” John asked, his eyes wide.

Around us, the other customers were talking and eating, and the noise level was high. Barney's was a busy deli and so I had to lean in closer to John so he could hear over the din.

"She was won over by my promise of fresh seafood and cold beer. She’s going to continue the pretense of being my girlfriend. That way, Mrs. B will set her sights on someone else."

"Why not me? I'm going to be super rich soon, too," John said, winking.

"If you want to come along, do. I'm sure Felicia would love to have someone to talk to."

"She's beautiful. I'll take her off your hands no problem."

"I'll put in a good word for you with Mother. She'll be pleased to be able to match you up with someone."

Just then, my cell rang. I had the sound setting on cluck, denoting my adoptive mother was calling.

"Oh, great, speak of the devil. It's Dragon Lady," I said and answered. "Hello, Mother," I said, trying to sound pleased to hear from her.

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