Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1) - Page 48

LUKE: I would, I would. Tell me everything.

ALEXA: Not on your life. I'll leave it to your imagination.


LUKE: How am I going to get to sleep tonight? You vixen…

I smiled and read back our texts. What would he think of me admitting I took matters into my own hand? I knew the mere suggestion would send his man brain into apoplexy. That was my desired effect.

Yeah, I could be a tease.

ALEXA: Maybe I'll come down with a headache. But the party's for me and we reserved the back room and have food and everything. I can't skip out on my own party.

LUKE: Yes, that's right – your comp. I know it went well. You don’t even have to tell me. As to Ichabod, I could come and rescue you, riding in on a white charger. Or Black Mercedes SUV. Whatever works for you.

ALEXA: No, that's all right. I'm a big girl. But thanks for the offer.

Candace must have come looking for me because she stuck her head in the washroom and called out.

"Hey, Alexa are you in there?"

"Yes," I said and glanced up from my phone.

"Did you fall in?"

"No, I'll be right out."

ALEXA: Gotta go. I'm being summoned.

LUKE: Okay. Talk later. And congrats again for the successful comp exam. But I hold you totally responsible for a great deal of current discomfort and probably a lot more later tonight when I'm in bed and I think of you all alone with no man parts to help out…

ALEXA: Simple. Don't think of me.

LUKE: Yeah, tell me another one. Not gonna happen.

ALEXA: I'm sure you can take matters into your own hand.

LUKE: I'd rather you take them into your own hand.

ALEXA: Good night, Mr. Marshall.

LUKE: *sigh*

I grinned widely and ended the conversation, slipping my phone into my bag. I washed my hands while looking in the mirror. There were bags under my eyes due to too many late nights studying, poring over research articles and reading reports. Luke was a flatterer, but he probably wouldn't find me all that alluring tonight if he saw me looking as tired as I was.

I didn’t mind putting in so many late nights studying. It was what I loved. I’d rather do it than spend my time socializing with the rest of my fellow students. Especially Ichabod, who had this annoying habit of leaning in close enough that I could count the nose hairs poking out of his very large nostrils.

I smoothed my hair and then left the washroom, making my way back to the table. I sat down, but unfortunately, I had to sit beside Ichabod once more. I wondered how long it would take for him to try to monopolize my time, hoping that I could excuse myself sooner than later and get the hell out of there with Candace.

Sure enough, Ichabod leaned in and began talking to me, taking off from the conversation about his new paper on Iran's nuclear program and the threat to Israel. I tried to smile, but it felt forced and all I could think of was RESCUE ME CANDACE! But she was sitting across the table from me, talking to someone else, blissfully unaware of how much pain I was in.

The monologue from Ichabod went on and on, his voice droning in a monotone that threatened to put me to sleep. I tried to catch Candace's eye, signaling with mental telepathy to come to my rescue. Her eyes widened as she watched something behind me.

Just as I was turning to check it out, I felt someone lean in even closer than Ichabod, kissing me on the cheek before I could do or say anything.


"Hey there, beautiful," he said and knelt between me and Ichabod, his arm around the back of my chair. "I'm sorry I'm late. I got hung up in a meeting and couldn’t get here sooner to help celebrate."

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024