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Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1)

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"You're lucky you actually want to be around your family. Me? I can't wait to escape their company, with the exception of my sister."

We stopped at a light and I watched him. He rubbed his chin, which was covered with just the right amount of scruff.

"I would love to be around my mother and father, but it's not possible."

He nodded and finally, we arrived at my building. He stopped the car and got out, quickly opening my door before I could.

"You're pretty gallant for someone who doesn’t believe in romance," I said and stepped out, taking his hand.

"I believe in being extremely courteous." He helped me out, then offered me his arm. "To make up for being a heartless rake." He wagged his eyebrows at me.

I laughed at his expression. We walked up the eight steps to the front entry to the building and stopped as I got out my key.

"Well, thanks again for rescuing me," I said and let out a sigh. "I don’t think Ichabod will be bothering me again after your stellar performance."

"No more seeing his uvula, I hope?"

"I hope," I said and smiled. I felt a bit awkward because usually, if I remembered dating at all and I barely did, this would be the time when he'd lean in and kiss me or I’d invite him up for coffee.

"Well, I'd invite you up for coffee," I said, and tilted my head when I looked at him, "but I don't drink coffee after three o'clock in the afternoon and you've got work. Besides, I'm not into the whole empty meaningless but very enjoyable sex thing."

He leaned in closer, our eyes meeting. "That's too bad," he said, his voice sounding a bit gruff. "I'd throw over my extra hour of work in a heartbeat if you were."

We stood like that, our faces just inches away from each other and the moment seemed to stretch. Finally, I turned and slipped my key in the slot and went inside, kicking myself for not just kissing him. I should have. It’s not like he wouldn’t have kissed me back, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to let myself get too close.

I turned when I got to the inside door and waved at him. He was still standing on the doorstep, watching me.

"If you change your mind, you can text me. I'll be right over…" He raised his eyebrows at that. When I shook my head, he laughed. "Just kidding. I know you're not into meaningless if incredibly enjoyable sex. My loss."

"Good night," I said and as I closed the door ad went to the stairs, almost running up them. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

I really enjoyed being with Luke. He was very, well…likeable. Let's face it. He was very fuckable, too, except for the part about leaving in a short time to sail around the world and his plans to leave the Earth for Mars or the asteroid belt.

I planned on staying put on Mother Earth and didn’t want my heart broken again.

Once was more than enough.

Chapter 12


* * *

The next day, I spent the time in meetings with Andy, one of Chatter’s lawyers who was there to talk about the deal. We discussed our meeting with the investment company that wanted to buy us out. We talked strategy and tactics, and then what we'd do once the deal went through.

John leaned back in his chair, his hands behind his head.

"Me and Mr. Big Shot here are going to sail around the world."

Randy Andy, as we called him, turned to me.

"After you get back, you're pulling a rich boy going into space?"

"Something like that," I replied. “Maybe John will join me on a one-way trip to Mars.”

"Not on your life." John shook his head and held out a hand. "I'm sticking to the good old planet Earth with its oxygen and living soil and protective atmosphere and geomagnetic protection from harmful cosmic radiation. Once we’re back from the trip, I'm going to find me a rich blue blood woman and start my family dynasty. Do everything right."

I laughed at that. "Seriously, what are your plans? You're going to have a billion dollars. What are you going to do with it?"

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