Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1) - Page 76

Sure, maybe she'd go back to her place afterwards, but I felt incredibly lonely at that moment and wanted to be with her.

Finally, after about ten minutes, I heard my cell ding and knew she'd replied.

ALEXA: Familigia's? What are you, an agent provocateur? I can't resist a slice from Familigia's…

I smiled, and replied right away, before she could change her mind.

LUKE: I'll pick you up in 15.

ALEXA: No, that's fine. I'll meet you there.

LUKE: Seriously, let me pick you up. The streets will be busy this time of night. Besides, it's dark out.

ALEXA: I'm a big girl and I've been around Manhattan for three years, now. I'll see you there in fifteen. You'll know me by the jade Mala bracelet with the tree of life charm. ;)

LUKE: If my lady insists… See you in 15.

I grabbed my jacket and was just about to leave when my cell dinged. I took it out, thinking it might be Alexa texting to cancel after having second thoughts, but it was John.

JOHN: Hey, Luke. Looks like trouble brewing on the Chatter front. We better meet and talk. Andy and I are going to Bonaventure on Fifth. Meet us there.

Crap. I didn’t want to cancel my plans with Alexa.

LUKE: I'm busy for the next hour, but I can meet you there for a late drink at 10:30. What's the problem?

JOHN: One of the investors is thinking of pulling out, which means the deal would drop until they can find someone else to make up the difference.

LUKE: Crap. Let me guess… It's Harrison Blake.

JOHN: How did you know? Seems like your rejection of his little sister made him have second thoughts.

LUKE: What a bastard. OK, I gotta go. I'll see you at Bonaventure at 10:30.

I put my cell away and stood for a moment, my hand on the door knob. I hated the fact that Harrison had that much power over me, punishing me for not wanting to play family with his sister. He was a bastard, and I should have known at the outset that we shouldn't do business with him, but I was as eager as John to see the deal come through.

Whatever happened, I wanted to see Alexa and have a slice of pizza with her, talk over the deal with her and maybe, convince her to come back to my place after my meeting with John.

I left my apartment, a blanket of gloom over me that just a few minutes earlier, had not been there.

* * *

I found a parking spot about four blocks away from Familigias, and walked the rest of the way to the restaurant. There was a line of customers outside, waiting for a slice and a can of soda. I glanced around, searching for Alexa, and was dismayed that she wasn't there. I didn’t want to see her pull out as well and checked my cell in case she'd sent a text and I'd missed the alert.

There was nothing so I went closer to the store front where they dished out slices and leaned against the light pole, my arms crossed as I waited for her to arrive.

After about ten minutes, I texted her.

LUKE: Hey, Alexa. I'm here and you're not.

I waited, and then her text came.

ALEXA: Sorry. I was late getting out of the apartment. I'm five minutes out. See you soon.

LUKE: Phew! *wipes sweat* I was worried that you'd changed your mind at the last minute.

ALEXA: What? And miss a free slice of Familigia's pizza? Do you think I'm crazy??? *evil grin*

LUKE: Hmm. I hoped you wouldn’t want to miss spending time with me and my witty and deeply engrossing conversation.

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024