Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1) - Page 80

"Yeah," I replied and threw my bag onto my desk. "He had a business meeting. Seems there's an issue with the deal and he's meeting with the other guys to talk over last minute strategy or something."

"That's too bad. I hope it goes through…"

"He said it might delay the deal if they had to look for another investor to make up the difference."

"What happened? Why did an investor pull out?"

I shrugged. "It's the brother of that woman his mother was trying to match him with. I guess he thought he'd be investing in his future brother-in-law and now that Luke made it clear he wasn’t going to marry Felicia, Harrison decided to pull out. At least, that's what I think happened."

"That sucks. Why do these rich people think they can control their kids that way? Like my parents would never think of saying no to a person I chose to marry, or force me to marry someone they chose for me because of wealth."

"They're old blue bloods and want to preserve their fortunes or something like that."

"I got news for them. It's the twenty-first century, yanno…"

I laughed and peered over her shoulder at the screen and saw it was Love, Actually. I'd never watched it, and was curious.

"You're watching that again? Don't you get sick of it?"

"Never. Speaking of love, what's going on with you and Mr. Big Shot?"

I sighed and flopped down on my chair. "He wants to cook me supper tomorrow night at his place. And other things…"

"Ohh, I like the other things. Lucky girl." She grinned at me lasciviously. "Supper sounds good, too. Why do you look so glum?"

"Because he's leaving on a boat in a month and will be gone for a full year, that's why."

"So?" Candy leaned forward. "Go and enjoy him while you can. Live a little. Get some, for God's sake. You need it."

"You're not the one whose heart will be broken when he leaves…"

"Don't let it get too attached. Use him for some great sex and good food and then wave goodbye happily when it’s time for him to go. Be more like a man for a change."

"You think I should?"

She leaned forward and squeezed my shoulder. "Of course I do. You're not going to find a man as good looking, successful or smart as him for a long time, sister. Enjoy him while you can."

I nodded, realizing that she was right. "I guess. What's the worst that could happen? I fall in love with him and he leaves. I'll be alone. There's nothing different from how I am now – alone."

"Exactly. Plus, maybe he'll fall in love with you and decide he can't live without you. He'll invite you to come on the ship with him and the two of you will sail off into the sunset."

"Dream on," I said and laughed, a small part of me wishing that could be my future, and the big part of me kicking her in the ass for being so stupid.

"Grab your chair and sit down with me. We can watch Love, Actually and stuff ourselves full of popcorn."

"Sounds like a plan," I said and did just that.

* * *

Later, after the movie was over and we were done deconstructing it and raving over everything, I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed and remembered that I hadn't answered Luke's text.

ALEXA: Supper sounds wonderful. As do other things…

I put my cell down and began to brush my teeth and within a minute, his reply came and my cell dinged.

LUKE: I promise that you won't regret it. I'll be the consummate gentleman, cooking you a delicious meal and providing you with very enjoyable entertainment. I have a meeting all afternoon and the meeting will probably go on until seven. Then, I'll go home and shower, and pick you up at eight. How does that sound?

ALEXA: Sounds fine. See you then.

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024