Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1) - Page 96

The blood drained out of my face and I felt dizzy. I sat down on the sofa, grabbing the arm rest, feeling like the world was spinning around me.

"Blaine?” I said, feeling numb. “How did he find me?"

She sat beside me, her arm around my shoulder. "I have no idea but he knows you live here. He threatened me. He said he'd find you, no matter where you went."

"Oh, God," I said, my throat choking up with emotion, tears finally overflowing. I covered my eyes. "How? How could he find me?"

"He said he made friends with the registrar at the University and knew where you got your transcripts sent. He searched my name and found me."


Just then, we heard noise coming from the stairway outside the apartment. Two police officers appeared and knocked on the open door.

"Thank God you're here," Candace said and went to the door.

* * *

For the next hour, the two police officers took Candace’s statement and all the information about Blaine from me. On my part, I tried to remain coherent, but I’d always felt so safe in Manhattan and to have that safety threatened crushed me.

"He did this?" the one officer, Constable Daley asked. He examined the hole in the plaster and turned to Candace.

"Yes," she said. "I told him that Alexa had moved away, but he found some of her things and punched the wall."

We discussed our options. While I had a restraining order against Blaine in Oregon, it wasn't in effect in New York state, so I'd have to get another one if I hoped to keep him away from me now that he knew where I lived.

"Everything was going so well," I said with a sob after the police had left and Candace and I were alone once more. "Why did this have to happen now? I can't stand the thought Blaine will be hanging around, stalking me again. It's been two years of peace since we came here."

She put her arms around me and hugged me, letting me cry on her shoulder.

“I called home after he left. My mom said he just got fired from his job," Candy said. "I guess that set him off. He obviously hasn’t gotten over it."

"What are we going to do? I can't stay here,” I said, glancing around. “He'll come back."

"You could stay at a hotel.”

“I can’t afford a hotel…”

“There's a student hostel you could stay at in a pinch."

I took out my phone, intending to call the hostel and see if there was a room available and saw that there was a message from Luke.

I read it over, surprised that he'd texted me.

LUKE: Just finished the presentation to the investor group that wants to buy Chatter. I think it went well. John and I are going out for a drink at Mulligan's. We'll be there at five thirty. I know we said we'd end things, but I would really love to see you, have you celebrate with us.

I handed my cell to Candy. "I got a text from Luke."

She read it over. "I knew it. He really likes you, sweets. You should go and stay with him."

"I couldn't."

"You sure as hell could. Tell him what happened. I'm sure he'd let you stay."

I looked in her eyes. "What about you? I can't leave you alone."

She shrugged. "I'll go stay with Jan for a few days until the cops find Blaine."

"Should I text Luke?"

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024