Mr. Big Shot (Mr. Big 1) - Page 103

"I'm always ready for you," I said, closing my eyes as his mouth moved lower.

It was the truth.

* * *

After a quick breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast, fresh squeezed juice and coffee, the six of us, including Candy, drove to Patchogue and Alpha Yachts to pick up the cat.

My stomach was all butterflies as we parked in the lot and removed our gear. There was a lot to do to get ready, including stocking the galley with food, getting all our gear stowed and taking the cat on its maiden run.

"I have the bottle of Champagne," Luke said and held up a bottle of Dom Pérignon we'd bought especially for the trip. "We can christen her before we cast off."

After speaking with the owners of Alpha Yachts and getting the keys, the six of us went to the launch where the cat was moored and Luke and I did the honors while Candy and the other guys, John, Andy and Ted, watched.

"I christen thee The Phoenix," Luke said. He popped the cork and poured us each a plastic cup of champagne. We raised a glass to each other and then Luke and I poured the rest of the bottle of Dom over the hull.

The time came for us to cast off and I had to say goodbye to Candy. I felt a bit teary eyed at leaving her behind, but with Blaine safely in lockup, I felt comfortable that at least she'd be safe at the apartment alone. I offered to let her sublet my room to another student if she felt nervous, and she thought she might if she became too lonely.

"Have a great time," she said, hugging me tightly, both of us with wet eyes. "I'm so happy for you that finally, you found someone good. You can put the past behind you. Luke's great. He's a keeper."

"He is," I said and wiped my eyes. "Now it's up to you to find someone. What about that bagel shop guy? Is he a candidate?"

She grinned. "We'll see. His name is Zach and I'm seeing him this Saturday night. We're going to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show and if he dresses up, I'll know he's my type."

"I hope so."

We hugged once more and then I followed Luke to the cat and stepped on board. The cat was big enough that I felt secure on it and I watched while the guys cast off and Luke gunned the motors to pull out of the slip.

"Goodbye!" Candy called out as we drew further and further away.

I waved and watched as she grew smaller and smaller.

Finally, I turned and watched as we pulled out of the narrow channel leading away from Patchogue and started our journey.

"Come here," Luke said and waved me over. I went to his side and he pulled me against his body. "I'm so glad you're with me. When we met, you were just a way to teach my brother-in-law a lesson but you've become the love of my life. I had no idea how important you'd become to me."

"Me, either," I replied, a surge of emotion making me choke up. I leaned my face up for a kiss. When we pulled apart, I reached up and brushed his bangs out of his dreamy blue eyes. "You were a great story I was going to tell my girlfriends at Sunday brunch. I had no idea you'd become the love of my life."

He smiled and then turned back, one arm around my waist, the other hand on the wheel, steering the cat for open waters.



* * *

Pape'ete, Tahiti

* * *

Six months.

That was all it took.

By the time we got to Pape'ete, Tahiti, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

Six months of knowing each other, a little over four of being together in close quarters day in and day out, tells you a lot and I knew all I needed to know about her – as a person, as a partner, as a lover.

Well, the lover part I knew would be even better once we were back on dry land and had the full freedom to explore each other without three other guys watching over us with jealous expressions in their eyes. As a result, we took every opportunity to stay in a hotel for a couple of nights at various ports just to be completely alone.

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024