Bad Boy Saint (Bad Boy 1) - Page 8

That was the last time I went to Saint's Gym for almost ten years.

Chapter 3

Present day…


I sat in the cramped ICU room and watched Graham sleep.

I had to decide what to do. My biggest concern was paying back the loan shark Graham went to. How would I pay back one hundred and fifty grand? As if that wasn’t enough to worry about, I needed the money to fund my room at Kirkland House. At fourteen grand a year, it was expensive. I'd have to find another part time job if I wanted to stay.

Graham’s breathing was slow and deep. I watched him, fearing that something would go wrong and he’d go into a coma or cardiac arrest, but he seemed stable enough.

I needed a drink, my mouth was so dry from anxiety about Graham. I left the ICU room and found that Mark was still waiting in the alcove.

"How is he?" he asked when I plopped down beside him.

"He's sleeping now, but he was okay. He told me to go to Hunter."

Mark nodded. "His best friend from his MBA?"

"They were friends from the time they were in middle school. Best friends until a few things happened and now they're officially enemies. Our families are enemies."

"He's rich," Mark said. "His family's got lots of money."

"It's dirty," I said and ran a hand through my hair, which had fallen out of my makeshift bun. "Besides, there's no way Hunter will be happy to see me, even if I'm begging on my knees."

"That's a lot of money to pay back," Mark said smiled sadly at me. "Maybe you need dirty money to pay back dirty money. He might charge you less interest that the usual loan shark. Better terms since you're old friends."

"I don't know…" I sighed and went over to the vending machine in the alcove. I reached into my bag and removed some quarters to buy a bottle of water. It fell into the bottom of the machine with a heavy thud. I took the bottle and sat back down beside Mark.

"I have to figure out how to pay for my room at Kirkland House," I said and opened the lid to the bottle, taking a big drink. "Or find a room to rent. Oh, God, when Spencer finds out Graham lost my trust fund…"

Mark nodded. "Spencer's not likely going to step in and save the day."

"He couldn't afford to anyway," I said and imagined how much Spencer would freak when he learned what Graham did. Mark knew our family dynamics well enough from being Graham's business partner. "It's not like they have thousands lying around even if Spencer was willing to help, which he won't be."

Spencer was the new DA and while he had a nice income, he couldn't just pull up one hundred and fifty grand on short notice. He'd probably disown Graham when he found out what he did with our inheritances.

I shrugged, numb about what to do. "I can get a second job."

"And go to Harvard Law?" Mark said doubtfully. "Graham said your scholarship was based on your grades. Can you keep them up and work two jobs?"

"Looks like I'll have to."

We sat in silence for a few moments.

"Loan sharks are dangerous, Celia. They'll kill Graham if he doesn't pay up," Mark said quietly. "Maybe you should go to Hunter."

"I know they're dangerous," I said and shook my head, although that was starting to seem like our only option. "He'd laugh in my face."

"I thought you and Hunter…" Mark said, his voice trailing off suggestively.

I turned and made a face at him. "You thought what?" but I knew what he meant. Hunter and I had a thing once upon a time. Or should I say, I had a thing for Hunter.

"You and Hunter hooked up. At least, that's what Graham told me. Spencer freaked." He raised his eyebrows.

"Graham should keep his mouth shut."

Tags: S.E. Lund Bad Boy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024