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Bad Boy Saint (Bad Boy 1)

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I had no idea how I could manage two jobs and Harvard Law at the same time… If I couldn't convince Hunter to lend Graham the money for the loan shark, I'd have to go to Spencer and that would be a nightmare.

I'd avoid that at all costs if I could.

The next morning, I went to Mass General first thing to check on Graham. He was better, and had a clean CT so they were going to transfer him to the neurology ward to watch him for a few days as soon as his bed opened. He was still sick enough that he was taking some version of morphine, but he had passed the night successfully without any regression and so the doctor was optimistic he would be discharged from the neuro ward to a rehab ward in a few days.

I spent the morning watching him sleep in the ICU while they got his room on the neurology ward ready, drinking coffee and reading over a few journal articles I brought along on case law for my law class in the afternoon. I felt good enough about Graham's progress that I could leave him in the hospital and go to class. It was a huge relief because I didn't want to get behind, but at the same time, I wanted to be sure Graham was on the mend before I left him alone.

He woke up close to noon and blinked several times, like he was trying to remember where he was.

"Hey, big brother," I said and leaned down to kiss his cheek. "How are you? You've been sleeping all morning."

"Hey," he managed through his gritted teeth. "Sorry."

"No worries." I smiled and squeezed his hand. "That's what I'm here for."

"Did you call Mom?"

I shook my head. "I was a good girl and obeyed your order not to. We should probably wait until we figure out the loan shark thing before I call. She's on the cruise and I don't want her to feel like they have to fly back or anything. If you weren't getting better, I would have called though."

He moved his head slightly to indicate agreement.

"Did you call Hunter?"

I sighed. "Not yet." I felt bad that I didn't contact him but it was the very last thing I wanted to do in life. "He won't want to talk to me, Graham. You're being too optimistic that he'll be willing to help."

"He has money," Graham managed. "He'll help. Call him."

I frowned, not wanting to deal with this. Of course, I had to deal with this. Soon. That '7 Days' carved into Graham's chest was a clear message.

"I'll try," I said. "But I doubt he'll agree to speak to me, considering what happened."

It wasn't just that I'd been mean to him four years earlier. It was that Spencer caused their family irreparable harm. The kind of harm you couldn’t forgive.

Why would Hunter even consider speaking with me, let alone lending us the money we needed to pay back the loan shark?

"You really think Hunter will help you? After what Spencer did?"

"He will. Call him. Right away, Celia," he said, his voice full of urgency. "I'll be dead in less than a week if you don't."

"Do you really think they'll kill you? They'd never get any money from you if they do."

"They will," he said and his voice was starting to sound strained. I had to move closer to hear his voice. "They'll come after you for the insurance money. You're my beneficiary."

I sat back in my chair with a thud. "Oh, God. I never thought of that. Should I call police? Maybe they could protect us.”

“No, don’t bring the police into this. They think it’s just a mugging.”

“I really should call them,” I said, all my instincts telling me to trust the police.

“No. The mob will kill me, Celia, no matter what you do. They’ll get their money, one way or another. If I can't pay, killing me would solve their problems. Call Hunter. He'll help."

I could text Hunter if his cell was still the same. If he didn't answer, I could always go down to the gym and see if he was in the office. Worst case scenario? I'd have to go to the club he managed in person and confront him if he didn't answer my texts.

"Okay, but I hope you're right," I said, feeling sick to my stomach at the prospect of seeing Hunter again after everything that happened between us and our families.

But I loved my big brother. The reality of the situation with the loan shark was finally sinking in, now that I could see Graham would recover. I'd do anything to save his life.

"Please, Celia," Graham whispered through clenched teeth.

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