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Bad Boy Saint (Bad Boy 1)

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"Hunter, it wasn't like that," I said, but of course, that's what he would think. I intended for him to think that about me and about what happened between us.

I had to.

"I wish you could understand…"

Hunter didn't say anything for a moment, like he was considering whether to help Graham or not.

"Who does he owe money to?" he asked finally.

"Some guy named Stepan," I said, repeating the name Graham had given me. The fact Hunter was even asking gave me a glimmer of hope that he'd help. "That's all I know."

"Stepan, huh?" Hunter said and smiled grimly. "You don't mess with the Russians. They mean business."

We stood in silence for a moment and I tried to gain control over my emotions.

Finally, he spoke again, his voice tired. "I know the Russians. If you don't give them the money by Wednesday, Graham will be dead. You can count on that."

Then he turned to leave and I stood alone in the room.

I followed him to the door. "You're just going to let them kill Graham?" I said, unable to believe he'd be so callous.

He stopped at the door, his hand on the knob. He turned to look me in the eye.

"Tell me, Celia," he said and tilted his head to the side. "Why should I help?"

I went to his side and looked up into his face, into his eyes, which were cold, guarded.

"Because you and Graham were best friends all your life. From the time you were in middle school and all through college. You were going to go into business together."

He was quiet for a moment, his gaze moving over my face.

"You might think that would count for something," Hunter said softly. "You might think that would mean he stood by me when I needed him. Instead, he went into business with someone else. He did nothing to stop Spencer from going after my uncle. Sean died, Celia," he said, his face red, his jaw clenched. "Sean's dead because of Spencer. Maybe if Graham dies, Spencer will know how it feels to lose someone."

He turned and walked away. Before he got too far, I replied, my voice breaking.

"Yes, he died because of Spencer," I said, my eyes filled with tears once more. I followed him down the hallway. "Not because of Graham! You know Spencer," I said and grabbed hold of Hunter's arm. "You know what he was like with us. With me. There was nothing either of us could do."

Hunter pulled his arm away like he couldn't stand my touch. I covered my eyes once more.

"Graham should have thought about the cost before he went to the Russians," he said finally. "He should have come to me if he needed money."

"How could he?" I said, wiping my eyes, which had now become smeared with the silly eyeliner Amy had applied to make me kittenish. I was sure I looked more like a raccoon by then. "He knew you blamed him for what happened to Sean."

"I don’t blame him," Hunter said quietly. "But he turned his back on me when I wanted to go into business with him. You threw me away like I was a bad apple when there were so many other fresh shiny ones to eat."

"I didn't do that," I said, but of course, that's what he would think. How could I explain?

I got down on my knees, unashamed to be begging. ”Will you help Graham?" I asked, my hands folded in prayer. “Please!”

He turned to me, his blue eyes dark with emotion. He didn’t tell me to get up. He didn’t come to me and take my hand, make me stand.

“Tell me why I should, Celia,” he said, his voice soft. “What do I get out of this?" He stared at me, waiting, his hands on his hips.

At that moment, I would have done anything for him if he helped save Graham's life.

"I'll do anything you want, Hunter," I said, my voice breaking. "Anything. Name it and I'll do it."

He'd know what that meant.

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