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Mr. Big Love (Mr. Big 2)

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We went to say hello to my parents, who were likewise all fake with the smiles. The room was beginning to fill up and so they wanted all the company's staff and their guests see us as one big happy family.

I kissed my mother on the cheek and squeezed her shoulders, and then I shook my father's hand. Alexa said hello and then we took our seats.

I didn’t want to cause any problems at the start of the night, since I knew my announcement later about my engagement to Alexa would be enough to cause my mother's blood pressure to shoot through the roof. I was all about starting the night off right, even if I knew that it wouldn’t end that way.

I glanced out at the room as it started to fill with our employees. My father liked to think that his company was a family affair and that they treated their staff like family, but of course, I knew that was a lie. Or at least, I hoped they didn’t treat the staff the same way they'd treated Dana and me. They watched us like a hawk and tried to police every aspect of our lives to ensure we always lived up to the expectations they set for us. That meant we could never fail at anything or appear with the wrong people or in the wrong place. It was exhausting growing up. My real parents weren’t like that. Although they were aware of wealth and had a different circle of friends from most ordinary wage earners, they weren't snobs in the same way that the Marshalls were.

It wasn’t the first time I wished that our parents were still alive. I knew it wouldn't be the last. Of course, if they were still alive, I knew I would never have met Alexa, so at least something good came of it, even if there was a whole lot of bad afterwards.

Once everyone was seated, my father stood up and went to the podium, which was perched at the side of the head table.

"What's going to happen?" Alexa asked while we ate our meals. "Are you going to go to the podium and deliver the awards?"

"Yes," I said and pointed to wooden podium where my father was standing. "When the time comes, I'll hand out the awards to staff. That's when I'll also announce our engagement so be prepared. I know the staff will be polite and clap, but it's not for them I’m doing it. It's for my parents and all their friends. It's to make sure that none of them are busy plotting my marriage to their daughters. I feel like a damn Prince Charming."

Alexa laughed and leaned closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder. "You are Prince Charming," she said and smiled up at me. "But you're mine. They can't have you."

"They can't," I said and gave her a kiss. "I'm all yours."

We smiled at each other and I felt my heart swell at the thought of us being married and living together for the rest of our lives. I knew that half of all marriages ended in divorce, but I was determined that at least on my part, I'd be the best husband I could be to Alexa. I never wanted to give her a reason to doubt my love.

I was sure she felt the same, especially after her very bad experience with Blaine.

My father welcomed everyone to the event, and then gave a quick outline of how the night would progress, before sitting back down beside my mother.

"I'm worried about later," Alexa said and squeezed my hand.

"Forget about it," I replied. "It has to happen sooner or later. May as well be sooner. Let's try to enjoy the night. At least the chicken is good and not rubbery, like usual."

"It is good, but I'm not used to these events, so what do I know?"

"You'll have to get used to it at least once or twice a year," I said. "As long as I'm on the board of the foundation, I'll have some duties."

We ate for a while in silence, and I watched the people, the tables filled with my family and friends of my parents as well as the staff of the foundation. It was a nice venue, and everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal.

When we were done, and after the wait staff had removed our plates and brought around coffee and tea, my father got back up to the podium and cleared his throat.

"And now, my son and the CEO of the foundation, Luke Marshall, will hand out the staff awards." He turned to me and waved to the podium. "Luke? If you could do the honors."

When people clapped, I put my napkin on the table and bent down to kiss Alexa. Then, I squeezed Dana's shoulders on the way to the podium.

"Thank you," I said and spoke a few words of thanks for the staff and all their hard work for the past year, administering the funds that the foundation distributed every year for good causes. Then, one by one, I handed out the awards to the recipients, getting a photo taken with each staff member, offering them an envelope with a check inside as our thanks for their work.

When the awards were finished, I cleared my throat and turned to face Alexa.

"Before I finish, I'd like to take this opportunity to announce something personal," I said and smiled at her. She smiled back and blew me a small kiss, touching her lips. I caught a glance at my mother who was too busy glancing over at someone at one of the tables. She turned back immediately when a hush fell over the room.

"I'd like to announce that I am engaged to be married to the love of my life, my first mate, my partner in crime, and my soulmate, Alexandria Marie Dixon. Alexa, please stand so everyone can see you."

Alexa stood and nodded briefly, her face crimson with embarrassment at the attention. She was beautiful in her little black dress that hugged her curves, her long hair shining in the candlelight.

She sat back down, and the audience erupted in applause.

"Thank you," I said and smiled at the crowd. "We don't have a date set yet, but it will likely be as soon as Alexa is finished with her coursework for her PhD in International Relations from Columbia University."

People oooh'd and awww'd at that and then they clapped once more when I thanked them for attending and said I looked forward to more awards the next year.

I sat back down and before I did, I caught a glimpse of my mother.

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