Mr. Big Love (Mr. Big 2) - Page 27

"You always know the right thing to say," I said and squeezed her shoulder. "See you later. Wish me luck."

"Break a proverbial leg," she replied and blew me a kiss.

I blew one back and left the apartment, texting the limo service while I did so the driver knew I was ready. When I got to the street, the limo was waiting, the driver at the rear passenger side. He opened the door and tipped his hat.

"Thank you," I said and entered the limo, still not used to having a driver take me everywhere.

"Where to, Ma'am?" he asked, glancing back at me in the rear-view mirror.

I gave him the address on 5th Avenue, and we drove away from the apartment building, merging into a sea of cars that comprised a busy early afternoon in Manhattan. As I watched the passing scenery, my gut was all butterflies and I had an urge to tell the driver to turn around and take me back to the hotel. I'd never been alone with Mrs. Marshall, and I was frankly afraid of her. They called her Dragon Lady for a reason.

She had a fiery temper and expected to always get her way.

I dug my fingers into my palm and tried to distract myself. I had to be a grownup and meet with my future mother-in-law. I couldn't avoid her forever.

Now was as good a time as any.

The building the Marshalls owned was an end unit on 5th Avenue. It wasn't just one floor. It was all five floors. Eleven bedrooms and eleven bathrooms. A rooftop patio. When the limo stopped in front of the building, I swallowed back my fear and thanked the driver.

"I'll be about an hour, I expect. Just having lunch with my future mother-in-law," I said and forced a smile.

The older man wearing a suit and hat, gave me a sad look. "My sympathies." He smiled, and then I finally smiled back.

"Thanks," I said with a light laugh. "They call her Dragon Lady for a reason."

"Good luck. Just text me and I'll be outside in five."

"I will."

I turned to the front entry way and saw that there was a security camera in the corner over the door and a buzzer that must have been the doorbell. I pressed it and glanced up at the camera, smiling.

"Hello," I said, feeling strange. "It's me."

Within a moment, the door buzzed and clicked open. I went through the entrance and every surface was marble. There was a flight of stairs leading to the front door of the apartment. I stood before it, noting the perfect decorating, the rich dark wood of the table beside the door where there was a sign for mail and packages.

I knocked on the door and waited, my heart beating a little faster.

When the door opened, I was foolish enough to imagine that Mrs. Marshall would answer to greet me, but of course I was wrong.

It was a maid. In a uniform.

She smiled at me. "Alexa?" she asked.

"Yes. Alexa Dixon. I'm here to visit with Mrs. Marshall."

"Come in, please," the maid said. "I'm Maria. Mrs. Marshall is busy at the moment but if you'd come in and wait in the living room, she'll be with you in a few moments."

Maria held the door open and ushered me inside. "Thank you," I said and came farther in. I glanced down at the perfectly shiny hardwood floor and saw a boot tray beside the closet, so I removed my shoes.

"Please give me your jacket," Maria said and so I did, placing my backpack onto the floor and taking off my coat. She took it with a smile and went to the large mirrored closet in the entrance. I picked my backpack up and waited for Maria to lead me wherever.

She hung up my jacket and then closed the doors, pointing to the hallway. "Follow me."

She led the way down a short hallway to an elevator. We got inside and it took us up to the top floor. When the door opened, I almost gasped out loud.

The entire floor was the living room and it was practically wall to wall windows. Because of the position of the building, the floor afforded a wonderful view of the city.

"Wow," I said, unable to hold back my comment. "This place is amazing."

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024