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Mr. Big Love (Mr. Big 2)

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CANDYC: Hey, sweets. I'm here alone with my cast in my recliner, binge-watching Game of Thrones. Come on over.

ALEXA: I don't want to intrude if you were planning a marathon...

CANDYC: Nah, I've already watched it three times, just want to watch it again since I have nothing else to do. Frankly, I'd be happy for the company. Besides, I want to see pics of this apartment you two bought.

ALEXA: Okay. I'll be right over. Just have to call down and get the limo service to send a car. Luke's already using one, so our usual ride won't be available.

CANDYC: Must be nice to just call up a limo and have it outside your door.

ALEXA: I'd be just as happy to take the trains, but given what happened to you, Luke wants us both to be extra-careful.

CANDYC: I was just teasing you. I'd love having a limo drive me around. Enjoy it for me, will ya?

ALEXA: I will. Have you eaten? Luke's getting Korean BBQ for him and Dana and now I can't get it out of my mind.

CANDYC: Korean BBQ sound fantastic. Bring it!

ALEXA: Okay, I will. See you soon. **Smoochies**

CANDYC: **Smoochies** back at ya!

I ended the conversation and called the limo service, requesting a car out front asap. The dispatcher said there would be a vehicle out front in fifteen. In the meantime, I called the security company to let them know I was going out and where. Then, I called the Korean place and put in an order for pick up. I'd get the limo driver to swing by and we'd pick it up before going to Candace's.

After I placed the order, I brushed my teeth and hair and made myself more presentable. Then I went down stairs to wait for the limo. My bodyguard was waiting on the street when I came out the front door of the hotel.

"Ms. Dixon," he said and nodded at me. "Limo's not here yet. Care to wait in the lobby and I'll come and get you when it arrives?"

"Sure," I said and went back into the lobby. I really hated all the security in my new life, but realized it was necessary. With Blaine still at large, there was no telling when he might show up, hoping to hurt me or someone I cared about. I didn't begrudge all the measures put in place to protect me, but sometimes, it was hard. It was this extra step or two that I had to take before I could leave.

While I waited, I glanced up and down the street outside the hotel, wondering where Blaine was and whether he was still looking for me, to exact some kind of perverted revenge for me leaving him and for everything that happened to him since we broke up. I had thought that I left all that behind me when I moved to Manhattan.

Now, I had to think of Blaine each time I left the hotel.

I had a nice visit with Candace, and together, we ate our Korean BBQ and talked about the whole business of Eric cheating, Blaine returning to haunt us and of course, Luke buying the apartment on Park Avenue.

"What do you think Luke should do? Should he tell Dana?"

"Haven't we had this discussion before?" Candace asked. "What would you do if I told you I saw Luke going into a hotel room with some woman?"

I sighed. "My heart would break and then I'd rely on you to help me get through it."

Candace nodded. "Maybe it's time for Luke to man-up and tell her."

"He will," I said. "He wants to be one-hundred percent sure first and is going to get his PD to check into it. Then, I think he's fed up with Eric's philandering ways."

"I don't blame him," Candace said. "Once he has proof, he should tell her the truth. Then, he has to be there to help her get through things."

"He will be. They're really close."

It was getting late, so I called the limo service and went home after saying goodbye and making sure Candace was set for the night. When I arrived back to the hotel, the security guard walked me to the elevator and said goodnight. I made it up the elevator and to our room, expecting that Luke would be home before me but he wasn't.

I checked my cell to see if he'd sent a message to let me know but he hadn't, and that made me nervous. Were things going bad with Dana and that was why he wasn't home already?

I sent him a text, hoping that he and Dana had just lost track of time.

ALEXA: Hey, where are you?

There was no answer, so I gave him some time.

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