Mr. Big Love (Mr. Big 2) - Page 49

"It must," I said, debating with myself whether to tell her about Eric and the woman at the Lowell Hotel.

"So how are you handling being a new mother? Do you feel exhausted all the time?"

She smiled. "I’m tired, but I've never been happier. All my life, I wanted to be a mother and for a while, I was afraid it would never happen because of my disorder. Then I met Eric, and well, he wanted the same thing. Family. He was willing to try, even if it meant IVF and all those months when I miscarried and when the embryos didn't implant. Honestly, Luke, if it wasn't for Eric, I'd be single and unhappy, without my beautiful baby."

She smiled and rocked little James in her arms, and I knew that she was too happy for me to tell her -- at least, not at that moment. Maybe someday, but not now. I couldn't do that to her.

So, I swallowed my confession, and stuffed it down as deep as I could, smiling at her and cooing over the baby while she and I ate Korean BBQ.

But I knew what I was going to do -- I was going to confront Eric directly. I was going to tell him that if he didn't stop fucking around, I would tell her, and he would suffer the consequence. I was so angry at that moment, but I forced in inside, and it felt like a coiled snake in my belly, waiting to leap out.

"Well, little sis, I have to get home to my soon-to-be bride and watch the game, but it's been a slice." I bent down to kiss Dana on the forehead and then stroked James's cheek.

"Thanks for coming by," she said and smiled up at me. "I love visits from my big brother. Anytime you and Alexa feel like coming over, please do. Eric's going to be away a lot over the next while, so I'll appreciate the company."

I let myself out, catching a glimpse of Dana with James in her arms, and my heart felt heavy. She really had no idea that Eric was a cheating bastard. He was going to be away a lot in the next while, was he?

I might have to do something to change that. Eric would have to give up the pussy on the side if he wanted to remain part of our family. There was no way Dana would stick with him if she found out he was cheating on her.

I called down to the limo service and waited at the front door until the limo pulled up, my mind laser focused on what would happen next.

"Where to, Sir?" the driver as

ked when I got in the back.

"The Lowell Hotel on 63rd. and Madison."

"Yes, Sir."

I leaned back against the seat and exhaled, trying to let my anger dissipate so I didn't lose control when I faced Eric. I was going to confront him, and the rest was up to him. If he kept on cheating, I'd tell Dana.

Maybe this time, he'd take my threat seriously.

We pulled up outside the hotel and I called Eric's number, waiting for him to answer. Finally, on the third ring, he answered.

"Hey, Luke. What's up? I'm currently out of town. Is something wrong with Dana?"

"No, she's fine," I said, my voice low and definitely not happy. "I want to speak with you."

"I'm in Chicago," he said, but I could hear a waver in his voice like he was afraid. "On a business trip."

"Oh, someone thought they saw you earlier today on Madison Avenue," I said, making something up on the fly. "So, I figured you'd come home from Chicago early. I was hoping you could pop down to O'Toole's for a drink and update me on Marshall investments, since that's your bailiwick."

"No, actually, I'm in Chicago still until Friday, sorry."

"What hotel are you staying at?"

"In Chicago?" he asked, and I could tell his mind was working. "I always stay at the Hilton downtown. The business has a contract with them."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Okay. Let me know when you get back in town and we can meet and discuss business."

"Sure," Eric said and he sounded relieved. "Anytime."

"Goodbye," I said and ended the call.

Then I waited.

Sure enough, within fifteen minutes, he and his call-girl or girlfriend left the Lowell Hotel and he waved down a taxi, depositing her in it, not even kissing her goodbye. He glanced left and right before crossing the street to a vehicle parked there. I saw my opening and left the shelter of the doorway in which I was standing and walked up behind him.

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024