Mr. Big Love (Mr. Big 2) - Page 54


When we got back to the hotel room, I stripped off my clothes and went right into the shower.

Alexa followed me into the bathroom and sat on the toilet while I showered, rinsing off all the sweat and dirt from the pr

evious day spent in jail.

"I can't believe how good it feels to be free," I said while I scrubbed myself almost raw with a loofah. "I need a shower to cleanse myself. When I'm done, we should go down for dinner in the restaurant. I need some luxury and pampering to make me forget my ordeal."

"Sounds perfect," Alexa said.

After my shower, I got dressed in a clean shirt and a suit and even put on a tie.

"You're wearing a tie?"

I laughed. "I want to remind myself that I do not belong in those cells."

We went down to the restaurant and had a nice dinner, and when I sat glancing around at the venue, how high-end it was, how well-dressed were the clientele, I realized what a fool I'd been confronting Eric that way. I let my emotions get the best of me and hadn't thought through the right way to approach him.

I sighed and sipped my glass of draft, glad that I was a free man with no charges pending and no trial.

"What an idiot," I said, still disgusted with myself.

She shook her head and took my hand across the table.

"No, you were just being a loving brother, angry at your cheating lying creep of a brother-in-law. The police just arrested you to make sure the two of you cooled off and didn't get into another fight when they left. That's all."

"You're too good," I said and kissed her knuckles. "I'm glad I have bad typing skills."

She smiled at my reference to how we met.

"Me, too," she said, leaning back, her glass of beer in hand. "So, tell me about your night in prison. Was it all you hoped it would be?" She had a twinkle in her eyes.

"You find my tale of woe amusing?" I asked in mock affront, grinning despite my best efforts not to.

"Seriously," she said, her smile dropping. "I don't mean to joke. Just happy you're back with me."

"I know," I said and squeezed her hand again. "It was, well, uncomfortable, and a bit scary with all these big dudes who were there because they got into fights with their in-laws.”

She laughed. "I'm glad you still have your sense of humor."

"I'd never survive without it. It was very tiring, and it was cramped, and the seats were hard. I didn't sleep, so I expect I'll crash when we get back to the room. I hope you don't feel like any romance tonight, because there isn't an ounce of it in me."

"I'll hold off ravishing you until tomorrow morning," she replied and took a sip, her eyes narrowing.

"Phew," I said and mimed wiping my brow.

The food was good, and when we were finished, I paid and took Alexa's hand.

"Do you feel like a walk along the street? I want to relish being free for a while."

"Do we need to call the security company so they can send a guard for us?"

"Oh, crap," I said and frowned. "I guess I'm not really all that free after all. Maybe we should just go up to the suite. I could happily go to bed right now."

"Okay," Alexa said and I knew she was thinking about not being able to fall asleep so soon.

"Do you have some research or work to do for your classes?"

Tags: S.E. Lund Mr. Big Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024