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Mr. Big Love (Mr. Big 2)

Page 64

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I got up from bed and padded to the bathroom with Luke in tow.

“Are you going to watch me pee on the stick?”

“I am,” Luke said. “Unless you don’t want me to, but sweetheart, I’ve been up close and personal with your lady parts. You have no reason to be embarrassed.”

“Peeing isn’t the same as sex,” I said with a smile.

“Go ahead,” he said. “If you insist, I’ll turn my back while you pee.”

“Okay,” I said and waved at him while I took the test out of the box and read the directions. “You can turn around while I pee.”

He did, his back to me.

After reading the test instructions twice, I pulled down my undies and peed on the test stick as described.

Then, I replaced the cap and placed the test stick on the counter.

“Three minutes,” I said to Luke. He turned around as I was flushing the toilet. “We have to wait three minutes.”

I washed my hands while Luke bent over the stick, like he was trying to see if there was a single pink line or two.

“It’s too soon to check,” I said and smiled. “Three minutes. I’m going back to bed.”

I went into the bedroom and laid back down on the bed, pulling the covers over me. “I’m calling in sick.”

“Okay,” Luke said and followed me to the bed. He laid on the bed beside me after placing the test on the bedside table. “We’ll wait together and spend the day together either way.”

His cell alarm went off and he sat up and picked up the test stick.

“Here goes everything,” he said and turned on the bedside light.

He held it out for me.

“Oh, my God,” I said, staring at the two pink lines. I glanced at Luke, who was smiling smugly.

“My boys work,” he said and leaned down to kiss me. “I hate to think of it that way, but you never know until you know.” He kissed me, again and again, laughing. “I’m going to be a father. You’re going to be a mother. We’re going to be parents.”

I was surprised at the glee on his face. He was actually happy about the news.

“You’re happy,” I said, swallowing back my nausea.

“I am,” he said and lay back down beside me. “I mean, it’s sooner than we planned, but we were planning on it eventually.”

He pulled me into his arms, but at that moment, a wave of nausea swept through me and I had to push him away.

“Sorry,” I said and jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I stood over the toilet and dry-heaved. I had nothing in my stomach so there was nothing to come up, but I felt horrible.

He followed me and popped his head inside the bathroom. “Are you okay? Can I get you something? The ice bucket?”

I shook my head and sat on the toilet after I closed the lid.

“I don’t have anything in my stomach. It’s just the dry heaves.”

“More Dramamine?”

“Is it safe for pregnant women?” I asked.

“I’ll check.”

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