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Tease Me (The Macintyre Brothers 2)

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I hung up and leaned back, smiling to myself. I was glad to see them, but at the same time, I hoped they didn't take up all my time on the weekend. Josh and I spent the Thanksgiving weekend apart and we wanted to make up for lost time. We were having so much fun with each other, spending our weekends together, that I didn't want to deprive myself.

Still, it would be nice to see them both again. I could take my mom to some of the places I'd grown to love visiting and of course, seeing my dad when he was through with his political meetings.

I spent the rest of the day focused on my work, and of course, received quite a few texts from Josh.

JOSH: I already miss the photocopier room...

ELLA: You made your bed and now you have to deprive yourself of my company.

ELLA: Speaking of which, my parents are coming down to Manhattan for the weekend. My dad has some back-room political meetings he has to attend and so I'll be spending the weekend with them.

JOSH: They just had you for four whole days.

ELLA: They are the parental units.

JOSH: Do I finally get to meet the Carters?

ELLA: Not on your life. I don't want to mention that you and I are seeing each other so if you want me, you'll have to come by late at night after my daughterly duties are finished.

JOSH: I'm insulted. Why don't you want me to meet your parents?

ELLA: My father is a notorious fourth-degree kind of man.

JOSH: Oh, yeah? You don't trust me to stand up to his scrutiny? I'm crushed...

ELLA: I don't want any drama. Besides, my mother will pester me to no end about you. I don't need the aggravation.

JOSH: I feel somehow slighted. But as long as I get you at night, I guess I'll take what I can get.

ELLA: I'll be yours from, say, nine-thirty at night until breakfast. I'll probably meet them for breakfast before my father's meetings and then will be with my mother the rest of the time until after dinner.

JOSH: I'll find something else to do with myself until nine-thirty. But I am disappointed. I would have liked to meet your parents. Your father is notorious.

ELLA: That's exactly why I'd rather not spring you on them at the moment. He is notorious.

JOSH: Okay. If that's what you want. Just so you know, I clean up pretty decently when I have to meet important people. I know what fork to use and all that...

ELLA: Josh! It's not that I don't think you'd pass muster, but I just don't want this weekend to be all about my new boyfriend.

JOSH: So, I take it that I am your new boyfriend? I'm beyond the fuck-toy stage and I’m now into the regular squeeze category?

ELLA: Regular squeeze sounds about right, although I do like the fuck-toy stage, too.

JOSH: It was a lot of fun, I have to admit.

ELLA: It was. Now, I have to go so quit distracting me or my boss will have my hide.

JOSH: That damn boss... Can I stop by later? I'll be on that floor for something.

ELLA: Okay but you should have an excuse. I don't want the whole office to know we're seeing each other.

JOSH: That's twice I've been crushed in this one textual exchange, Ella. I'm feeling a little insulted here...

ELLA: People know about my past. They know about your past. They'll think we're both crazy for seeing each other.

JOSH: Okay...I'm stopping by and will be in and out in two minutes tops. A quick kiss and grope are all I need.

ELLA: That I can give. Anytime. Now, I have to go and get work done. I hear the big boss is a real stickler for productivity.

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