Tease Me (The Macintyre Brothers 2) - Page 18

"Sorry," I said and removed her hand. "I'm seeing someone."

"So am I," she said in a very affected sultry voice. "What happens at conventions, stays at conventions is my motto."

I shook my head. "Sorry," I said and smiled. "I'm flattered that you're interested, but I value fidelity in all things, business and romance."

She pouted. "That's too bad," she said. "Your loss."

I didn't respond, not wanting to confirm or deny but then I changed my mind. "Actually, My lover and I are going to Skype so don't worry about me. I'll be just fine."

"Ain't nothing like the real thing, baby," she said and shrugged. "If you change your mind and want something real and hot, I'm in room 912."

The elevator door opened and off she got. I smiled to myself as the doors closed, glad that our little encounter was over. She knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to try for it. I guess business people had to be somewhat ambitious and unafraid of failure. If I hadn't been seeing Ella, I probably would have turned her down anyway. She was a bit too forward for my tastes. I preferred someone who I was mutually attracted to, and not just an easy fuck.

I got off the elevator at my floor and went to my room. I had a quick shower before sitting on my bed and checking my cell.

We had a nice chat and then, exhausted, I went to bed, missing her more than I thought possible.

On Monday, I slept in late and after a quick shower, I checked my cell and saw that David had texted me.

DAVID: Hey, bro. I hope you're hungry tonight. I have a massive side of ribs that I’ll put on the barbecue for dinner. I can't wait to see you, catch up.

JOSH: I can't wait to see you, too. The convention will be done for the day at four. Given traffic, I should be out there in time for dinner. See you soon.

When the final session was over and the moderator gave us a summary of the convention, I said goodbye to everyone I'd met and spent time with and left the convention room. I had checked out before noon and had my suitcase and briefcase with me. I got one of the clerks at the front desk to call me a limo and waited for it to arrive, so I could sit back and relax on the trip to Brentwood.

I arrived at close to six o'clock Monday at David's mansion on a quiet treelined street. The villa was surrounded by tall junipers and palm trees. A security fence surrounded the villa and video cameras monitored the perimeter. The limo stopped at the gate and the driver spoke into the microphone, announcing my arrival.

The gate clicked open and swung back, admitting the vehicle to a circular driveway that led to the huge double front doors. The house itself was ostentatious, with huge columns like the place was a Greek temple. The villa itself was higher up on a hill and overlooked the city below. I was impressed.

The limo stopped at the front entry and the door opened. David came out, practically jumping on top of me when I got out of the rear passenger seat.

"There you are, big brother," he said and hugged me, kissing me on the cheek. "Come on in. Let me get your bag. You can finally see the new place."

He grabbed my suitcase when the limo driver opened the trunk while I grabbed my briefcase and together, we went inside the villa.

We entered its cool dim interior, which was several degrees cooler than the outside. Everything was marble and gilded antique. I hadn't been to his new place yet so was impressed with its lush interior. There was even a small waterfall in the huge entryway.

"A waterfall?" I said, standing in front of it.

"Water is calming," David said, standing beside me. "Listening to flowing water is supposed to reduce stress. Have you never heard of the blue mind hypothesis?"


"It's a hypothesis that because our species survived beside the ocean, that being beside a large blue body of water makes us happy. Hearing the sound of the ocean or water on a shore reduces stress. The ocean is our mother, you know."

"Our mother? What kind of new-age BS is this?" I said in a half-joking way.

"It's definitely new-age BS but I like it. I don't believe the woo woo stuff, but I think water does make me happy. That's why I like to see the ocean and have a big pool outside and a waterfall in my entry. Come in and let's get you set up in your bedroom."

We went up the grand staircase that curved up to the second-floor landing. It was all very impressive, and it seemed a bit at odds with my younger brother's tastes in decorating, but he was growing up, despite the bad boy persona. The place was clean and quiet and altogether more grown up than his last place, which was much more the way I pictured a rock star to live. His old place had modern furniture, pool parties every weekend, a huge recording studio on the main floor where various musicians and hangers-on congregated at all hours. Skeevy looking promoters who were probably hoping to fleece the band of its hard-earned money.

This house was grown-up.

My room was bigger than Ella's whole studio apartment, with a massive king-sized four poster monster of a bed, brocade covers and dozens of pillows. A set of patio doors to a balcony overlooking the pool below. A huge en-suite bathroom with jet tub, two-person shower and separate john. There was a massive flatscreen TV across from the bed and even a small sofa and chair.

I wished, not for the last time, that Ella was with me, so we could enjoy the luxury together.

It wasn't that I was unfamiliar with luxury. I'd grown up with it, but it tickled me somehow to know that David had chosen this house and had it decorated to suit his tastes. My little brother...

Tags: S.E. Lund The Macintyre Brothers Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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