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Tease Me (The Macintyre Brothers 2)

Page 37

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Oh, my God. I was seriously going to kill Steph. She of all people should have known that was in the vault...

I texted Steph right away.


The little dots floated away for a good thirty seconds as she replied.

STEPH: Oh, my God. You didn't tell her?

ELLA: No, I didn't tell her! If I had, I would have told you.

STEPH: She faked me out. She pretended that she knew you were dating Josh and asked me what I thought about it. Seriously, Ella. I figured you told her, and it was common knowledge. I'm so sorry!

ELLA: UGH. Now my father knows, and any chance Josh and I had at privacy is out the window.

STEPH: Seriously, I'm really sorry. She seemed to know and well, you know what your mom is like. She was so excited that I figured you told them when she came down to visit.

ELLA: It's okay. I'll deal with it but damn, I swear that woman could get a confession out of a priest.

I turned back to my conversation with my mother.

ELLA: Mom! You shouldn't have asked Steph. I didn't want Dad to know because he'll pester Josh about his father and the case involving Mr. Harrison...

MOM: Don't worry, dear. I'll work on him. I'm excited that you've met someone already. And Josh is so handsome.

ELLA: He is handsome but he's more than just a pretty face. He's really smart and he's honorable. He's out West looking after his brother. He's the head of his family now and he takes that very seriously. He's a good man, Mom...

MOM: I knew it. You're in love with him. :) :) :)

Her text was followed by an annoying string of hearts and smiley faces.

ELLA: I like him, Mom but I'm not in love, okay? Whatever you do, don't let Dad think that we're serious or anything. We're just casual. The last thing Josh needs is for Dad to give him the third-degree.

MOM: He wouldn't do that. He'd be very interested in meeting Josh and talking to him, but he's got some tact, dear. He's been in politics for years. Give him some credit.

ELLA: He has a blind spot when it comes to Mr. Harrison. You know that.

MOM: That was twenty years ago. He's mellowed a lot since then. We'll be back in town in two weeks, so if you two are still seeing each other, I want to meet him. Promise me.

ELLA: *sigh* okay. If we are still seeing each other when you come back, I'll introduce you, but seriously, it's not a big thing. We've both been burned before and neither of us are interested in being burned again.

MOM: Then, get married and stay married. Simple. ;)

I found the winkie emoticon the most annoying.

ELLA: Easy for you to say. Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Some engagements don't even make it to the wedding day.

MOM: Relax. Let it happen. If it's meant to be, it will be. *Kisses and hugs*

ELLA: Back at you.

I put my cell away and sat there for a long moment, wondering how my father would react the next time he was in town. If Josh and I were still seeing each other -- and I hoped we were -- I knew my father would want to meet him.

ELLA: The cat is out of the proverbial bag.

In a few moments, Josh responded.

JOSH: Who's in the know? Your father?

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