Tease Me (The Macintyre Brothers 2) - Page 46

I arrived back at my office after our meeting was finished and spent the rest of the morning working on my pile of manuscripts that I had to get through before the end of the week. I checked my cell and didn't see anything from Josh, so I worked through my lunch, grabbing an apple and yogurt I had stowed in the office refrigerator, so I didn't have to go out and get anything.

About three o'clock in the afternoon, I was ready for a break and checked my cell once more. Still nothing from Josh, so I took a break and slipped on a pair of running shoes I kept in my office, put on my sunglasses, and left the building, needed a cup of decent coffee. Then, I wanted to go for a walk and get some air. I'd been cooped up all morning and part of the afternoon and needed a change of scene.

It was then I remembered that Josh wanted me to take extra care and not go anywhere without his bodyguard.

I stood in the lobby and texted Josh.

ELLA: I'm in the lobby and want to go for a walk, get some exercise. Where's this bodyguard you want to follow me?

Josh wrote back right away.

JOSH: Hold on. I'll come right down.

I waited by the tall picture windows overlooking the street, wondering how long we'd have to keep up the bodyguard thing, hoping it wasn't too long. I liked my personal freedom and the ability to pick up and go wherever I wanted whenever I wanted.

Still, who knew who that strange fellow was with the hat and feather? If Josh was nervous and he'd been over in Afghanistan, who was I to question the need for a bodyguard?

A few minutes later, Josh appeared out of one of the elevators and came over to me.

"Hey," he said and gave me a quick kiss. "Come with me. I'll introduce you to Reg. He's going to be ghosting us for a few days."

I followed Josh to a room at the back of the building near the rear exit. The sign on the door read, Building Security, and Josh knocked and glanced up at the small security camera in the corner above the door.

The door buzzed open and we went inside. A guard wearing a security uniform that read SecureForce sat behind a desk. In front of him was a bank of monitors, showing various views of the building's interior and exterior and the back alley.

"Wow," I said, watching pedestrians and office workers coming and going. Cars drove up in the back alley and workers unloaded boxes at a service bay. "I didn't realize the building had this kind of security system."

"Oh, yes," Josh said. "Gotta keep things secure."

We went past the security guard and into another room where a man dressed in a business suit sat behind a desk. He stood when Josh entered, and the two men shook hands.

"Reg, this is Ella, my girlfriend. Ella, this is retired Sergeant Reg Collins, who's going to be providing us with security when we leave the premises."

Reg and I shook hands and the man was huge, strong, and reminded me of someone you'd see on a professional wrestling show with his shaved head and beefy body.

"Nice to meet you, miss," he said in a gravelly voice. "I hear your father is Governor Carter from New Hampshire."

"He is," I said and smiled. "Do you know him?"

"I haven't had the pleasure."

I nodded and turned to Josh. "What do I do?"

"You send Reg a message and he'll meet you at the front door. He'll follow behind you a few feet and keep an eye out for anything suspicious."

"What if I want to go on the subway?"

"Take the limo service if you need to go anywhere," Josh said. "I've told them to expect a call from you now and then when you need a car."

"Are you sure?" I said and frowned. "Is this really necessary?"

"Miss, until we know who this man is who followed you and Mr. Macintyre, it's best to be careful. It's no problem for me or the car service. It's our bread and butter."

Reg smiled at me, his eyes twinkling like he was amused.

"Okay, if you really think it's necessary."

I turned to Josh. "I just want some air and to get a coffee. I thought I'd walk around the park for fifteen minutes or so."

Tags: S.E. Lund The Macintyre Brothers Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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