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Tease Me (The Macintyre Brothers 2)

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"So that box is ticked. He's good in bed. What else? Why do you like him? Sell him to me."

I made a face as I considered Steph's question. What did I like about him?

"He's fun. He has a great sense of humor. He's really nice. He's got some values and morals. He joined the Army, he went to college and studied journalism. He's just a really great guy."

"And so good looking. I mean, he's hot, Ella. You are so lucky."

"He is," I said and smiled to myself, thinking of him with his longish hair that flopped in this incredibly sexy way in his eyes at times. His very blue eyes. His well-trimmed beard covering a very square jaw.

Our room service food was delivered and for the rest of the night, we gabbed and ate and watched a movie, catching up with each other's business.

It was good to have her visit and it was so sweet of Josh to rent us the hotel suite, so we could do it in comfort and style.

By midnight, we were both tired and so we hugged and went our separate ways, Steph to her room and me to mine. I got into my nightgown and brushed my teeth, washed my face and wondered what I'd find when I opened up my cell. I had promised myself I wouldn't check it once while Steph and I spent the evening together and I kept to that promise. So, I was excited to see what Josh would write when I did check. Would he want to Skype and watch me? Or would we just talk?

Honestly, I was tired at that point, but I knew if he tried, he could get me worked up enough for some sexting.

I checked my messages and there was one from Josh, send over an hour earlier.

JOSH: I have to make a quick trip out of town. Something came up out of the blue and I'll be gone all weekend, but I should be back on Monday. Sorry about this. I really wanted to meet Steph tomorrow, but we'll have to reschedule. Tell her I'm sure you two can find something to do to pass the time with me gone.

I frowned, wondering what came up that would require him to go out of town. Was it David? Had something happened to him and Josh needed to go to look after him?

ELLA: Is everything all right? Is it David?

Josh didn't reply, and I wondered if that was the reason -- had he flown back to California and was unable to respond.

I was saddened that I didn't get a chance to text with him before I went to bed, but I was tired.

ELLA: I'm going to bed, but I'll text you first thing in the morning. I hope everything is okay. Let me know. XOXOXO

I put my cell away and cursed myself that I didn't check sooner.

I lay awake for a while, my mind going to all the possible issues that might take him out of town. Was it the paper? Was it David?

I hoped that when I woke up, I'd have an answer.



The phone call came early in the morning.

It was from the police department in Millbrook. I knew right away what that meant -- it was Penny and she was probably in jail and needed me to bail her out.

"Hello, Penny," I said, unable to keep the disapproval out of my voice. "I take it you're in jail and want me to pay for your bail."

"I'm sorry," she said, her voice breaking with emotion. "Yes, I was arrested with some dope on me and they took me in."

"I'll make arrangements," I said, exhaling heavily. "But only if you agree that you need help."

"I need help," she said, sobbing. "I need help, okay?"

"Will you go into rehab if I pay for it?"

There was a pause. I knew it was of no use to go into rehab if you weren't ready and willing to accept help, but perhaps Penny was there, now."

"Yes," she said finally, her voice soft. "I will. I'm sick of this. Anything has to be better than this."

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