Tease Me (The Macintyre Brothers 2) - Page 59

I smiled when I saw his text and replied.

ELLA: It was perfect. We ordered room service for breakfast, Reg ghosted us all afternoon while we did touristy things, and then we had a lovely diner at the restaurant. We watched a movie and now, we're both in bed, ready to sleep.

JOSH: In bed??? Both of you??? Enquiring minds...

ELLA: In our separate beds.

JOSH: A man can dream. :) Seriously, I'm glad you had a good day. That's why I wanted to get the hotel suite for you while Steph is there.

ELLA: How about you? How was your day?

JOSH: It went by. I'm spending the night with David. We had a nice day by the pool and a barbecue for supper.

ELLA: What about the personal issue? Did you take care of that? Are you going to tell me about it?

JOSH: I will. It's not something I'm proud of. When I get back, we'll sit down, and I'll tell you. I'm just glad I had to chance to make things right -- or at least try to.

ELLA: You know you can tell me.

JOSH: I know. I will, in person.

ELLA: Okay. You have me worried about what it might be.

JOSH: It's a sensitive issue. I want to do it justice and I can't via text. I hope you feel you can trust me.

ELLA: I do. When you're ready to tell me, I'm ready to hear it.

JOSH: I appreciate your patience. I needed to take care of a thing and so I did. I was in the area and decided to stop in and check on David. He's not doing as well as I would like.

ELLA: Oh, I'm so sorry. Is he having trouble getting over his surgery?

JOSH: No, he has survivor's guilt. He feels responsible for Terry's death. I've tried to convince him that he's mistaken, but he's pretty down about it. I think he needs therapy and am trying to encourage him to get some help. I may have convinced him.

ELLA: It must be so stressful for you. You're a survivor of that accident as well. How are you doing?

JOSH: I'm fine. I'm managing.

ELLA: Any more nightmares.

JOSH: Yes, but that's probably because of Grant. I'll be fine.

ELLA: You need to look after yourself as well. You're the big brother but you may need therapy as well.

JOSH: When I get home, I want you and I to take a trip out to the house in Montauk. I want to spend the entire weekend just lying around on the sofa in front of the television. And enjoying each other.

ELLA: That sounds wonderful.

JOSH: Great. I'll make it happen as soon as I get back.

ELLA: I can't wait.

JOSH: I'll let you go to bed now. I miss you.

ELLA: I miss you, too.

I put my cell down and lay back on the bed, glad that Josh wanted to go to Montauk for a weekend. I missed him, and as much as I was glad to have Steph in town, I wished I was in bed with Josh instead of being alone.

The next day was a blur of personal indulgence in the hotel spa, in the restaurant, and during our touristy trip around Manhattan, always followed or accompanied by Reg, my trusty bodyguard. Josh would be coming home early in the morning on Tuesday, so he'd miss meeting Steph, but we agreed to meet up one weekend when we went to Concord -- maybe for Thanksgiving. Josh would meet Steph then.

Tags: S.E. Lund The Macintyre Brothers Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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