Tease Me (The Macintyre Brothers 2) - Page 61



I spent the the next three days in LA with David, trying to feel him out and decide whether I should stay longer or whether he was good enough, so I could leave him. Luckily, a couple of his band members came by later in the afternoon on Monday and they convinced him to go into the studio and practice their new songs for the EP. I saw him brighten up considerably and thought that as long as he was busy working on the new release, and had people around him, he'd be okay.

I had dinner alone by the pool, leftover food from the night before, while the band played, totally absorbed in whatever song they were working on. Finally, around eight, about half an hour before I was scheduled to leave, David emerged from the studio, his expression satisfied.

"That was a good day's work for a change," he said and plopped down on the lawn chair beside me. Up above us, the sky was clear, and the stars were beginning to peep out in the growing dark. "Sorry if you were all by yourself."

"I'm a big boy," I said and smiled. "I caught up on some reading and got my dose of Vitamin D to last me for the rest of the year."

"Oh, yeah. You have to go back to Manhattan and winter. I don't know how you can live there. I need sun and surf to be happy."

"I think I'll take Ella out to the house in Montauk, speaking of surf. The weather isn't all that nice at this time of year, but we can walk the beach, and enjoy the house."

"Sounds like a good escape for you. You've been working extra hard the past few months."

"Year," I said, thinking about how focused I had been since Christie and I split. I had a one-track mind after we broke up and it had kept my mind off my heartbreak. "It's going to pay off. The paper is starting to take shape. I think by the new year, it should be ready for re-launch."

"Cool," David said. "I'll make a trip to Manhattan for the event."

"That would make me happy. When do you think your EP will be released?"

David shrugged. "If things keep going well, maybe before Easter. That would be optimal, so we'll get a lot of sales and then maybe, I can do a tour in the spring once we see how sales go."

"I'm sure sales will be fine," I said, surprised that there was even any question. "People are already calling it the band's 'much anticipated new release'."

"Yeah, but every new release is still a gamble. We've done some different things this time, and now with a new member, well, the feel will be different from what our fans are used to. I just hope people are happy."

"I'm sure they will be."

I stood. "Well, I have to pack up and get the car ready for the drive to the airport."

"Sorry I missed supper with you, but when you're in the groove, you have to stay there until it's over."

"I totally understand," I said.

David followed me into the house and to my room on the second floor. I finished packing my overnight bag and then I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my shoes.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Good to see you again, brother," I said, and we hugged. I kissed him, and we patted each other on the back before breaking the embrace.

"Anytime, bro. You bring that pretty little woman out with you the next time you come, okay? I'm dying to meet her."

"I'll try," I said. "Maybe you can come out east for Christmas."

"I'll see where we're at with the EP and let you know, but I'll do my best to make it, no matter what."

"Good," I said and got into the rental car. "Take care."

"You, too."

Then I drove off, watching him standing in the driveway in my rear-view mirror. I felt a little better leaving him, knowing that he was happier with the way the recording of their EP was going. Hopefully, he'd get better and better, and the success of the new record would make Terry's loss easier to bear. I imagined all the brothers sitting around a big table at the house in Montauk for Christmas and decided to make it happen.

I arrived at the airport and turned in the rental car, then checked in for my flight back to JFK. I boarded and sat in my first-class seat, then after getting settled in, I checked my messages.

ELLA: Hey, there. How was your day? Steph is gone and I'm all alone back in my tiny studio apartment on my Murphy bed. I expect you're on your way to the airport to catch your red-eye flight. Can't wait to see you when you get back.

I smiled and sent her a reply that I knew she wouldn't get until she woke.

Tags: S.E. Lund The Macintyre Brothers Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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