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Tease Me (The Macintyre Brothers 2)

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We spoke a few moments longer about Ella and then I left, feeling somewhat better that Ella had just forgotten about security because of her migraine. At least Sharon knew now and would be aware in case anything came up in the future.

I had a late meeting to get through, but I wanted to text Ella and make sure she was okay and didn't need anything.

JOSH: Hey, sorry to bother you when you're not feeling well, but did you know you forgot to let Reg know you were leaving? I realize you probably forgot because of the migraine but don't worry. I'll send someone over to watch the apartment for the weekend. If you need anything, let me know and I'll come right over. Anything at all -- coffee, takeout food, me naked and wearing a manservant apron -- anything.

I didn't hear back from her and at first I put it down to her not checking her cell because she wasn't feeling well but when she hadn't responded by nine that night, I started to panic.

I called Reg.

"Any news on Ella's place? I've texted her and she didn't respond."

Reg put me on hold for a moment to check with his man on the street watching Ella's apartment.

"My guy Parker said there's been no movement since he's been watching. There's a light on, but he hasn't seen her come or go."

"Okay, thanks. She usually gets back to me quickly, so I was a bit worried."

"Do you want Parker to go up and check on her?"

"No, no, that's okay. I'll drop by and bring her some food or something just to check on her."

"Okay. I'll tell Parker we'll be by. I'll be outside waiting in the car."

I ended the call and sat in the quiet of my apartment, wondering if she was just sleeping.

JOSH: Hey, I’m coming by with some hot soup that I hear is excellent for people who are sick or under the weather. I'll be by in twenty minutes.

She didn't reply, so Reg drove me to the Pho restaurant and waited while I got a takeout container of the spicy noodle soup that Ella loved. Reg took me to her place and we drove alongside Parker, who was sitting in a car across from Ella's building.

"Josh will run up and check on Ella," Reg said to Parker.

We parked, and I grabbed the Pho and went to the front entrance. Ella had given me a key, so I let myself into the building and took the stairs to her third-floor apartment. I went inside, but she wasn't there. I checked the bathroom, but the place was empty.

I panicked.

JOSH: Where are you? I'm at your place and you're not here.


I ran down the stairs to the car and got inside. "She's not home."

"What?" Reg frowned. "Parker said she didn't leave the place. He can see the entrance from here -- both the front and rear exits are visible.

I glanced over to the building and sure enough, you could see through the entrance to the rear door. The entry was well-lit and there was no way Parker could miss someone going out either exit.

She wasn't at home.

I texted her right away.

JOSH: Ella, please let me know where you are. I'm worried because of Mr. Fedora. Text me as soon as you get this.

I waited.

"She's not responding to my texts," I said.

"Did you two have a fight or something? Any reason she might not want to talk to you?"

I frowned.

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