Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7) - Page 16

"Do you bill extra on weekends?"

"Not with this client." She smiled and walked me to the door. "My arrangement with him is the same as with you. This client has me on retainer. A nice fat juicy retainer so we don't worry about things like that." She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and squeezed my arm. "Go home to your pretty wife and beautiful baby. Forget about the video and the letter. Send me a great pic of your half-naked body and we'll destroy the defense's claim that the video is you. Once they see your body, they'll know."

"I hope so," I said and gave her a smile.

"Make sure to send me a scan of the letter before you give it to the police, okay? For my files."

"I will. See you."

"Take care, and Drake?" she said and came to me at the door. "Don't worry. All of this will blow over. You just have to be patient."

"I'll try."

Then she closed the door and I went down to the street where John was waiting by the car.

Of course, John wanted to see the letter. Once we got back to the apartment, John came up and reviewed the letter.

"I'll let people in the security detail know to keep a lookout for any of Lisa's family members. Just in case."

"Thanks," I said. "I'll call the police."

Then John left and I took out my cell and called Detective Gates, who was my contact in the police department. I told him about getting the letter and what it said.

"Can you bring the letter to the precinct? I'd like to keep it in evidence. We'll return it when the case is over."

"Sure," I said. "I'm glad to get rid of it, to tell the truth."

"I'm sure you are. I'll speak to the hospital about Ms. Monroe and see what they have to say. I'm surprised she was able to send you a letter, given the situation. She may have had a family member send it for her."

"Whatever the case, I don't like that my wife is threatened by someone in a psychiatric hospital."

"I understand. Thanks for calling. You can drop the letter off at the front desk. I'll let the duty officer know to expect you."


And that was it. I took the letter to the precinct, John driving me there and back, and dropped the letter off with the duty officer.

Then, Kate and I tried to put the letter and the threat it contained out of our minds.


Later that week, when Drake was out playing racquetball with Dave, Karen Mills came by and sat with Sophie while I went to see my studio space. Mike, my bodyguard drove me there.

"Let me check it out first," he said and went inside before me, checking the space out. A few of the other artists gave him dark looks, wondering why he was there so I decided I'd have to have a little talk to them after Mike left.

"All clear," Mike said to me and gave me a nod. "I'll be outside. Luckily there's a bench across the street. I can watch the building from there. If you need me, I'm on my cell."

"Thanks, Mike."

I watched him take the stairs back down to the street and went back inside the studio. Then, I went to each of the spaces and spoke with the other residents, letting them know that I had a bodyguard due to a physical threat to me and that he would usually check the place out before I arrived to make sure it was secure.

I apologized but most of the other artists were pretty laid back about it.

Finally satisfied that I had done my part to smooth the way, I went into my own space and sighed. I went to the window and sure enough, there was Mike, dressed in his overcoat, sunglasses, reading a newspaper, glancing up and down the street every now and then to check things out.

Before we went to California, we'd sold my studio space in Chelsea so I was lucky to get back on the schedule at the old place and was even happy to see the old faces I remembered from before.

When I went out into the main area for some paper towels, I saw Jules standing by the main entrance, tying his shoes.

Tags: S.E. Lund Unrestrained Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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