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Drake Forever (Unrestrained 7)

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Still, it made me feel anxious for him and for us. Not that Drake was in any legal danger. He'd done nothing wrong. But all of this -- the trial, the publicity, the news reports, the pics and videos, were all affecting his reputation.

I could only hope, as I lay there and watched him sleep, that he was right -- it would all blow over as soon as the trial ended and people moved on to the next outrage.


In the morning, after a shower and after feeding Sophia her breakfast, I stood at the island in the kitchen and watched while Kate made some coffee. I'd dressed in something casual so I could blend in at the courthouse. The last thing I wanted was to be recognized.

"I'm going to head out to the courthouse and catch the trial," I said, watching Kate's face carefully to see her response.

She scrunched her nose up. "Really? You want to go and watch?"

I shrugged. "Derek was a friend. I'm curious about how the prosecution will build its case."

Kate came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Aren't you afraid that the paparazzi will be waiting for you, shoving a mic in your face, asking about why you abused poor Lisa?"

"I have a canned response," I said and hugged her. "No comment."

"You really won't say anything?"

"I wanted to say that we were sex partners years ago and that everything had been completely consensual. Any relationship after that was purely professional. If she claimed otherwise, it was because she was mentally unstable. But Lara insisted that I not comment except to say that Richardson was a friend and I hoped that his killers got the justice they deserved. That's it. I'll stick to it."

Kate didn't appear convinced. "It won't bother you to have people point and stare and take videos of you?"

I shook my head. "Nah," I said, although it did bother me, of course. "Better me than anyone else. I can take it." I mock-

pumped up my biceps and grimaced like a weightlifter.

She laughed and shook her head, her face becoming serious.

"You've taken more than enough already. It might be better for you to stay home and forget the trial. When you show up, people will talk and point cameras at you."

"I feel like I owe Derek this much." I kissed her, warmed by her concern for me. "I'll be fine."

"How long will you be?" she asked, adjusting my collar.

"I'll be back this afternoon. I'm meeting Lara for lunch to discuss the case. If you need me, I have my cell."

"Okay," Kate said and ran her fingers through my hair. "Sophie and I will go out for a walk to the park and then maybe get a coffee at Starbucks. We'll be home this afternoon."

"You want to go to your studio? I'll stay home this afternoon if you want to."

"That would be great."

We kissed again and then I went to the closet and got my coat and boots. Once dressed, I got to the front door and Kate followed me over with Sophie in her arms.

"Say bye bye to Daddy," Kate said and waved at me.

Sophie waved and of course, I had to kiss them both once more each for good measure before I left.

* * *

Outside the air was moist and cold, typical for October in Manhattan. It rained overnight and was almost cold enough that it could have been snow, but not quite. It woke me up in a way that a hot shower couldn't. I walked down the street to the parking garage where I kept my car. Before I drove off, my cell dinged and I checked my messages.

It was from Michael Owiti.

MICHAEL: Drake Morgan, how are you? I've been following the news about the trial and hope everything is okay with you and Kate and of course, that beautiful baby of yours Sophia. I'm writing to let you know I've been hired to head up the new pediatric neurosurgery unit at the Southampton Children's Hospital.

I replied immediately.

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